Shellfish Recipes
Capt. Clark
December 9th Monday 1805
Crossed in a Canoe & was invited to a lodge by a young Chief was treated great Politeness, we had new mats to Set on, and himself and wife produced for us to eate, fish, Lickorish, & black roots, on neet Small mats, and Cramberries & Sackacomey berris, in bowls made of horn, Supe made of a kind of bread made of berries common to this Countrey which they gave me in a neet wooden trencher, with a Cockle Shell to eate it with It began to rain and with a tremendious storm from the S. W. which lasted untill 10 oClock P M.
There many different types of shellfish in the Northwest but before cooking them, make sure that the shellfish were harvested from an approved area. Shucked shellfish become plump and opaque when cooked thoroughly and edges of oysters start to curl. Clams and oysters in the shell will open when cooked. Crabs will turn red after boiling for about 20 minutes. Shellfish may become tough and dry when overcooked.
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