Kadena Proud - "ZZ" Samurai!
Map of U.S. Military Installations on Okinawa
High-resolution aerial photos of Kadena Air Base in 1977
Okinawa Bases named after Medal of Honor Warriors
Info about U.S. Bases - source: Okinawa Prefecture official website
Major Military Installations on Okinawa [MSWord doc]
Discussion about Military Bases on Okinawa
Kadena Air Base chronological history
Typhoon of Steel from gena hamamoto on Vimeo.
B-52 Crash at Kadena, November 1968
U.S. Naval Hospital, Okinawa
Torii Station
Major General James L. Day
Medal of Honor
"...That same afternoon four B-29s from the 19th Bomb Group out of Kadena
Air Force Base on Okinawa hit roads and railroads just north of Seoul..."
"Mac" McElroy
Mission over Japan
First-hand account of Airplane #13, Doolittle Raid, April 1942
[MS Word doc]
Universal Newsreel
In the pre-TV era, people saw the news every week in their neighborhood movie
theaters. Newsreels were shown before every feature film and in dedicated newsreel theaters located in large cities.
Universal Newsreel, produced from 1929 to 1967, was released twice a week. Each issue contained six or seven short stories, usually one to two minutes in length, covering world events, politics, sports, fashion, and whatever else might entertain the movie audience. These newsreels offer a fascinating and unique view of an era when motion pictures defined our culture and were a primary source of visual news reporting.
Post War History of Japan
A Brief History of the Battle for Okinawa
from the 6th Marine Division official website
Battle of Okinawa Museum
a page from Okinawarelics.com; includes video of Half Moon Hill and Hacksaw Ridge
Fun Facts of US Marine Corps on Okinawa, 1950-1964
Ernie Pyle: Typewriter in a Foxhole
mp3 audio file - Biographies in Sound (50:10)
Marine Corps Community Services
Department of Defense Dependent Schools on Okinawa
Kadena High School
Serving DoD dependent students in Okinawa Japan since 1981
Kadena High
School Alumni Site
Kubasaki High School Alumni InfoCenter
Kubasaki Webring HQ