Shurijo Burns Again October 31, 2019 Ryukyu Shimpo Scroll to lower half of page - look for 'Okinawa City News' bar Asahi Shimbun (Mainland) Yomiuri Shimbun (Mainland) English version Japan Times Online "Serving Okinawa for 10 years" This is a great site for Americans on island to get information about what's happenin' on Okinawa!! Intended primarily for American military, DoD civilians and families. English language On Facebook - daily news of Okinawa International current-affairs magazine for the Asia-Pacific region Japan’s Persistent “Ameriphobia” (May 18, 2012) The Resurgence of the U.S.- Japan Relationship (Aug 13, 2012) Radio Australia Pacific Beat Asia Unbound (Blog) I know... it's not called The Shogun anymore, but I'm old and still think of the base paper as the Shogun. The weekly base paper for Kadena Air Base Big Circle is an authorized publication of the United States Marine Corps. It is published to inform Okinawan community leaders, educators and concerned organizations and persons about U.S. Marine Corps activities on Okinawa and in the region.
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