More Spooky Stuff !
Turtles and Snakes and Golf, Oh My!
by Rob Oechsle
Peter & Peeps
Rescued Baby Hummingbird Fed in Hand by Mother
5 year-old Girl Calls 911 for Father
Ford Model-T Production Line
Discovery Channel on YouTube
V-J Day
Honolulu Hawaii, August 14, 1945
Horse & Mule Power

Fly With the Hawks - Remarkable!
Words at War
Old Time Radio
Ernie Pyle: Typewriter
in a Foxhole
(Audio - Biographies in Sound)
What's Up! Okinawa
YouTube videos of Okinawa
Conversation about the Aka Inu-ko
Friends of Okinawa
Sign up and find friends in your part of the World!
BRATS: Our Journey Home
Ryukyu America Historical Research Society
read about it here
9th AVRS - 1950s
- a fun Slide Show; interactive too!
Robert (Bob) Carbone, Sr., was among those who set foot on the beaches of Okinawa back in 1945.
Clyde Durham tells his story of flying side-gunner on B-29 out of Kadena AB during the Korean War.