How the Colonel Taz thread got started -- the inside story:

Taz is a two year old high spirited Siberian Husky who came from a local shelter and is being fostered by Scott and Robbi Ringwelski until a suitable home can be found for him. Scott provided Sibernetters with a lot of belly laughs over Taz's adventures settling in with the Ringwelski family.
In early summer another Sibernet family, Ron and Kirby and the Singing Beasties of Husky Howllow (15 minutes east of Winnipeg, Canada) who are controlled by Daytro, Bailey, and Santana, posted a couple of messages referring to the Siberian's uncanny ability to read minds and possibly influence human behavior and foil beanies were suggested as a way of "foiling" this ability. Scott responded with a spoof where Taz took over his thoughts. In another message, Taz himself, responded in an e-mail to the list. Then the Colonel/military thread began and it grew from there. Sibernetters jumped in with creative glee and soon Siberians from as far away as Australia and New Zealand were offering their services in the Great Husky Horde Conspiracy. At one point Scott actually wrote to Ron about stopping the thread after three or four postings and Ron agreed. But Sibernetters had other ideas and the thread continues offering humorous breaks between more serious posts.


Some of the Sibernetters who have participated in the Great Husky Horde Conspiracy movement:

Sandy Carman, Kachme Siberians and Private Bruce (CH. Kadian's Kachme Shadow Weaver
Lorrie Watson and Zara, 4 month old Siberian Husky Princess
Barbara Branham and the Pack, Major Shadow (Hell Raiser), Major Feather (Hell Raiser II), Sgt. Melody (Singer) and Sgt. Tasha (Red Rover)



We are happy to report that since this website went up Taz has found a permanent home with Scott. After several attempts to rehome him, Scott finally realized that Taz had chosen HIM as the pack leader.


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