Well I have to appologize for not having any pretty pictures for you to look at. When it comes to magic, I must say that the words are surprisingly important. Not to sound rude, I just want to further make it a point that this isn't a game. If you have read, "Ethics of Magic", then you already have an idea that there is a lot more to magic than people tend to think. If you want to perform magic, then you need to puut forth an effort. It takes energy. I couldn't say it any more plainly.

What is Magic?
Well one way I like to say it is a means of changing energy or consciousness. You can change things within yourself, (usually the best place to start), or even the environment around you. Though I must warn that this can be a bit more dangerous.

Now magic doesn't work in very appearant ways. Not usually anyway. We aren't pulling rabbits out of our hats after all. How magic works is a mystery. Sometimes all that really changes is you. If thats the case, great. For example, if you were to cast a love spell on yourself, you may only change the way you perceive your own image. Thus you may be more confident, therefore more attractive. Thats a good example of changing your consciousness.

In the case of changing the environment or others around you, things get a bit more difficult. You aren't going to find an all powerful book that is full of spells which can enable you to rule the world from your altar. Just the fact that you cast a spell alone is not going to ensure that you are going to get what you want. What you have when casting a spell is influence. If its a cloudy day, you are much more likely to make it rain than you would if you were in hot weather during the summer. It is easier to help urge things in their natural direction than it is to change them all together.

OK, pay attention. This one is important. We all like to think about what we can do for others. Its crossed all of our minds that we can cast a spell on someone to help them. I wouldn't recomend it. If you want to help someone, do it without the use of magic. It isn't a good idea to use magic to play with ones will. When you do that, it also has an effect on you. This can be good or bad. I'm just saying it may not be worth it. Oh, and casting a spell on someone to get revenge for something... Well I think you get the general idea.

So you know by now that you can't very well get up in the morning and just decide to cast a spell. It takes a lot of planning. The best advice I can give you is to do a lot of planning. If you decide you want to cast a spell, I would first meditate on your reasons for doing so. If you come to the conclusion that you do indeed wish to continue, research the spell. See when it is best to cast. Find out what materials you need. Its always helpfull to find a place where you can go and not be interupted. Its much better for your focus if nothing else.

OK, so this is where I attempt to not say something and not totally rip off my friend, "Kith" (author of "Spirits Calling"). May the force be with me. Most books are going to talk about what can be lengthy rituals. This is not necessarialy what you need to do however. As a beginner, I would sudgest you follow the directions. The more experience you get, the more you are likely to personalize you methods. They may get shorter, or perhaps more elaborate. Its up to you. I'm not going to tell you how to cast a spell. Most everybody does it differently. I will say that you need to put everything you have into it. Don't half heartedly chant because you see it as a formality. Focus all of your energy; all of your heart to cast the spell. This is why I say that it might be a good idea to find a place where you won't be disturbed. Also if you make a mistake, move on. Keep going. Don't feel foolish or embarassed. Remember, the goddess has a sense of humor.

In the course of a ritual ,people and especially covens tend to have their own traditions. You see this is part of the fun that you are allowed when you are Pagan. Dancing, Food, Music, Celebrate! We don't do things out of obligation. We do things because we want to. Make your ritual mean something to you. Some traditions are a bit more strict, (for lack of a better word), than others. Some like to be as free as possible. Even chaotic. The energy for your spell is going to flow that much better if you just make sure you are happy with your ritual. An't harms none, do what thou wilt.

Wind of Change/ Ethics of Magic/ Old Souls/ A Dark Past
Broom Closet/ Witches of Old/ Ecclectic Ramblings/ About Me

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