Who Am I?
Hey, you asked...

Well you asked for it. Hmm... I guess to begin I guess I'll just give you a few basics. I'm an Aquarious with a Virgo rising and a Capricorn moon, I live just outside San Francisco, CA, and I'm an Art Student (people actually think I'm doing homework right now). I really have no interest in taking life too seriously. Its just too short! But I digress. OK, so there really arent any other phenomonally interesting basics, are there? Sorry.

So I've been practicing for about seven years now. I grew up in a highly dissfunctional family (waa waa poor me) and like most people where I grew up, it was just assumed that I was Christian. This was true for the most part. There were some things though that even as a Christian, I could not swallow. For instance I never believed in the Bible. I always looked at it as a book of mythology. This remains my view to this day. For years I bounced from Church to Church looking for a place that would accept me. This only led to constant rejection. I did finally end up at an Episcopalian Church where it seemed things were going to change. For quite some time it seemed they had. I even started helping with Sunday School. Unfortunately there was one thing that still separated me from the rest. I have always questioned everything. I consider myself to be a free thinker and the fact got me in trouble a couple of times. Eventually, parents didn't want their children around me. I was, as you can probably imagine, very dissapointed.

This was about the time when I started to get to know a few people I had been working with at a book store for about a year or so. One of whom refered to themselves as a Witch. Now at this point I really didn't know anything about Witchcraft asside form the fact that I was always told that it was evil as a child. Fortunately I didn't judge her for this. As we became closer friends I grew curious of her beliefs. She always seemed to sidestep my questions (for reasons that I'm still not entirely sure of). Eventually though, she refered me to a couple books. That is when it all started. The first one I read was "Spiral Dance" by Starhawk. I was simply amazed. This book was saying things that I had been saying all my life. For the first time in my life, there weren't any personal objections to what I was being subjected to. Needless to say, the book had a long lasting effect on me. At this point I read pretty much anything I see that comes from Starhawk.

So now you have come to find out who I am religiously. How about some more important things. Hmm...

Places in the world I hold most sacred: San Francicso (I was born there), the ocean, Stirling and the rest of Scotland, Ireland (my family is from there), Paris

Assorted hobbies: Go Ju Ryu Karate (black belt), art of all kinds (art student), music, card games (started playing poker for money at the age of four), acting, playing with knives, writing, cooking, doing anything new...

Favorite bands: Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Wumpscut, Die Form, Jill Tracy and the Malcontent Orchestra, Danny Elfman, Covenant

Favorite Movies: Star Wars, Matrix, Sneakers, Portrait of a Lady, The Hunger, Locked Stocked and Two Smoking Barels, Monty Python

Simple things I enjoy: Guinness, Wine, Chocolate, grown people who aren't afraid to act silly, philosophy, seeing my friends and family acheive things they want, seeing people who dress as strange as they want and don't care what others think (including me), adventure, travel, people who make me think

Things that piss me off: ignorance, people who think that Anerica is the greatest country in the world simply because we have the most bombs, Americans who go over seas and expect people to speak english for them, lying, people who are full of themselves, people who try to tell me what I can and cannot do with my life, any religious organization which tries to gain power in the government

Wind of Change/ Ethics of Magic/ Spells/ Old Souls/ A Dark Past/ Broom Closet/ Witches of Old/ Ecclectic Ramblings

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