OK so you've found my "Ecclectic Ramblings" page.I will include things in the world that I think people should look into. Witchcraft isn't all people should look into. The world is full of different philosophies that one should know about. Wether or not you agree with them. Its important to have perspective; the other side of the coin. Question what you believe as well as what others believe. Only then can you ever truely know yourself.

The Academy of Go Ju Karate

I chose to talk about this first because of the simple reason that besides becoming a Witch, Martial Arts has made the biggest impact in my life. Now if you have ever spoken to a Martial Artist, you know that they tend to promote their martial art very highly. I am no exception. However I am not writing this to tell you how great my martial art is. I want to promote martial arts in general. Below I do have a link to the web page of my Dojo.

One thing about Martial Artists is, if they are serious practicing students, they tend not to walk around bragging about their skills. Anyone whom is fairly knowledgeable about martial arts, won't likely start talking about this Art being better than another. My point is that people that don't know how to defend themselves tend to be more aggressive. People that have had training know that they can protect themselves and therefore have better things to think about. Less to prove to everyone else.

I do have some advice to help you find a Dojo (school). First thing first, ask as many questions as you want. If the Sensei (teacher) doesn't want to answer them, leave. You have a right to know the reasons for what you are expected to do in training. Second, take introductory programs at a few Dojo's in the area of which you live. This way you can find the one place you feel comfortable. My dojo is a second home to me. I hope you are as fortunate as I was. Third, be aware that a lot of dojo's offer black belt programs for a lot of money in a short amount of time. I have been training for over five and a half years. I am an assistant instructor. At this point, there is a small part of me that wishes that I can postpone my Black Belt test for a few months simply because I'm not sure that I'm ready. I also know that I've been studying longer than most Black Belts.

Another point on Martial Arts is which one is right for you. I'll take this time to dispell any myths that come to mind. 1. You don't have to be double jointed to learn. 2. You don't have to be able to do the splits in order to learn (if you can, I'm very jealous). 3. You don't have to be in top physical condition to learn. Martial Arts is a great way of getting into top physical condition. 4. Martial Arts should be fun. I don't show up at the Dojo to be humiluated. Actually I'm very highly respected. As is every student in the Dojo. 5. There is no be all end all of Martial Arts. Let me just say that if you are of a slight build, then softer styles would probably be better for you. Wing Chun, Aikido, Mostly Arts from China and Okinawa. If you are stronger, try the hard styles. These are typically Japanese. I will warn however that I don't advise studying an art that emphasises one thing in particular. I.E. kicking, ground fighting, keeping people away from you. One would be wise to learn everything in Martial Arts. I.E. Go Ju Ryu. Sorry, I had to.

Martial arts is very philosophical, fun, empowering, and life changing. I couldn't even start to tell how it changed me. If you are interested, try it. Its worth the time. If you put your energy into it, you will leave changed, for the better, in ways you hadn't imagined.

Wind of Change/ Ethics of Magic/ Spells/ Old Souls
A Dark Past/ Broom Closet/ Witches of Old/ About Me

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