And now a twist to add to the age old question, "Why are we all here"? I'm afriad that this is one thing that nobody can give you a certain answer on. This is one topic of which you will have to reach your own conclusions. All I can do is tell you what my personal beliefs are and how I came to my conclusions. This is not intended to tell you what to think. I am writing this to get you to think, to question what you believe, and hopefully give some insight which will eventually help you decide what you believe.

Back when I used to be a Christian (former Sunday School Teacher believe it or not), it was always assumed that you die and either go to heaven or hell. Well needless to say that when I stopped believing in Christianity, that my beliefe in Heaven and Hell diminished with it. I don't even understand the concepts of the two anymore. This led to many questions about what happened when I die.

I am one of those people who have, and sometimes still do see ghosts (though not very often). Dead people whom were supposed to be in either heaven or hell. That is one fact that started my thinking more than anything. One belief that Withes have is Karma. Its the whole, "What comes around goes around" thing. In my mind its more like, what comes around, goes around, gains a hell of a lot of momentum, and then slaps you in the face. For better or for worse. To apply this to what I'm talking about, whatever you do in this lifetime has consequences one way or another. That much is true. What are you doing? What have you done? What are you going to do? Three things I look at in a new light now.

I have seen a ghost before. With that as evidence, I know that we don't just die and thats the end of it. For whatever reason, my Grandmother (the first ghost I ever saw), visitted me after her death. I don't think that she was just walking through the neiborhood and decided to stop by. I don't know why she did. I can speculate. But I can't say for sure. I do believe that she had her reasons. What I'm trying to get at is that just because we die doesn't mean that we don't have things to do or finish. There could be things that you are trying to accomplish, people you are trying to watch over (guardian angel), there could be something that you just can't seem to let go of. Some ghosts are known to stay in one place for hundreds of years.

Now lets say that there is someone you are trying to look after. Eventually, they are going to die. They of course have their own things to take care of. They get reincarnated and so do you. At some point in your next lives, you will have some effect on each other. The point that I'm trying to make is that there are people or even animals in your current life that you have probably known for multiple lifetimes. Its very common. There could be unresolved issues, lessons to be learned good or bad. The cycle is likely to keep going until it is indeed resolved.

Another thing to think about is what you may have done in a past life. Often times your lives will have certain patterns to them. Different traits, talents, things of that sort. Why do you have them? There is a list of questions that I can give you to help with this question but I won't. Not many of them anyway. Copywrite laws prohibit.

#1. List all of your phobias.

#2. List all of your de ja vu experiences.

#3. List all of your favorite places...

For a complete list of the questions and an explaination on how they help you, I sudgest reading, "Past Lives Present Dreams", by Denise Linn. (Find book in link by title.) I read it and it opened a door to my past like I couldn't imagine.

Now if you decide to look further into this, (and I hope you do) be prepared to find out things that you would rather no know. Not everything in ones past is going to be sugar coated. It is my beliefe though, that the more you know about yourself the better. Ignorance isn't bliss. Learn who you were. Only then can you know who you are and who you can be.

Wind of Change/ Ethics of Magic/ Spells/ A Dark Past
Broom Closet/ Witches of Old/ Ecclectic Ramblings/ About Me

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