Over the years, certain religions have dominated the world. Christianity, Judaims, Muslim, Budhism, to name a few. People all the world have their own unique ideologies. There is nothing wrong with that. Many times, however, people seem to think that they must convert everybody to their own ways. Wars start, families colapse, civilizations come to an end simply because of someones intollerance to difference. This is not to the point of tension. This is to the point where leaders feel justified, in effect, in sentencing thousands to their deaths. Religion is something that people take very seriously... wether they admit it or not.

Witchcraft was, not too long ago, one of the religions that dominated the world. This, however, was a religion that didn't have one thing in particular in common with other religions. It seems that Witches' never felt the need to convert others. There is no need to make others submit to our traditions in order to have a satisfying afterlife. Simply being a good person is enough. This unfortunately was almost our undoing.

This caused some trouble. With Christianity gaining popularity early this millenium, we suddenly had people who felt strongly about converting us. Christianity was at the time, and in many ways still, organized with hirearchy, money, and the need to covert all people to to its ways. It used social classes to control people. Only the rich were allowed to learn to read. Of those deemed worthy, only men were considdered. Thus only men could become Priests. Women had no power in the church. They were simply servants and remain as such in most cases to this day. Organized in this fashion, it was easy for the church to gain power. It convinced its followers that they had to donate money to the church or face going to hell. As a result, Christian leaders became very wealthy. (To learn more on this subject, read,"A Dark Past").

Witchcraft is not organized in such ways that it can control people the way that Christianity does. We don't believe that we need a temple to worship in. We don't need to worship with a certain group. We don't need to convert other people to our ways. These are three things that separate us from Christianity and other religions.

Over the past six hundred years or so, we became almost a myth. A Halloween costume if you will. The fact is that we were forced to keep our religion a secret for over five hundred years. It only became legal to practice Witchcraft in the United States in 1933. Over sixty years have passed since then. Slowly, Witches seem to be coming out of the woodwork. No longer fearing for our lives, we aren't afraid to let the world know that we are here and in fact never left. Witchcraft is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. This is an interesting fact to me. Seeing how I view this as a religion without converts. We live our lives, our beliefs, by example.

Times are changing. Slowly, the world doesn't seem bothered by the word, "Witch". Slowly, we may regain the true meaning of our ill-famed, "Pentacle". It is up to us to do so. Media apparently has no intention of giving us any positive lip service. When people ask me what religion I believe in, I tell them I practice, "Witchcraft". I sometimes refer to myself as a Witch. Now I want to set something straight right now. When I refer to myself as a Witch, people often say, "Don't you mean 'Warlock'". Well I'm afraid not. The conception is that Warlock means a "male witch". It doesn't. It derives from Scottish roots meaning, "Battle Master". So for you Male Withces out there whom are too manly to call yourself a Witch, I hate to shatter your masculaine egoes, but you're full of it. Get over yourselves.

One would think that I am being rather harsh on Christianity. Well I guess I am. Most of our problems in the world are to be blamed on Christianity. The intention was not to make Christians look bad however. My intention is to say that times are changing. We are no longer a secret society known by few. We are more and more often being viewed as real people. It is up to us to act as real people. We must take responsibility for our own future. When you speak of Witchcraft, realize that you are representing the lives of many. "Say whatever you want, but take responsibility for what you say", Starhawk. "An't harms none, do what though wilt".

Ethics of Magic/ Spells/ Old Souls/ A Dark Past/ Broom Closet/ Witches of Old/ Ecclectic Ramblings/ About Me

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