In Shining Armour

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The girl stumbled into the corner, bruising herself against the wall. Her eyes brimmed with tears at the sudden pain and embarrassment. She could hear the tinny voice from her captor's comm,

"If I give the word, do her."

Dove's breath caught in her throat, and she froze. A knot of fear tightened in her stomach, making her feel sick. Danger in the Net she was used to; in the Net she could hold her own. But in the real world, she was helpless. Her face burned with shame. Where was Shadbolt? Had they got him? She strained to hear. Her CICI was activated, but the shielded hood prevented her picking up Shadbolt's signal, or helping him. It had blinded her in more ways than one.

She heard her captor move across the room. Thinking of him infused her with anger. That was helpful. It made her calmer. She waited, her muscles tensed for action, her body still. The temperature of the air changed. Someone had opened a door. Almost silently. Dove held her breath, knowing there was only one person who needed to sneak.

She started at the sudden jumble of sounds which ended with the rat-ta-tat of bullets growing quieter each second. Someone had been forced out the window. The other was still in the room, and had begun to move towards her. Dove closed her eyes in despair. If this was her captor, then Shadbolt was dead.

There was a blast of light as the hood was pulled from her. She blinked her eyes, willing the swirling shapes into focus. The shape she saw before her was not the familiar dark shadow she knew to be her companion. Were these her last few moments before oblivion? Had the hood been removed only to stop it getting bloody? She dodged to one side, but the figure caught her arm with inhuman speed.

"Calm down, you flighty piece!"

She turned into the scowling face of Shadbolt.

The room was illuminated with stripes of orange light, and a cacophony engulfed them. In the chaos, Dove screamed. But then it was over, her hearing returning, and her trembling body enfolded in Shadbolt's arms. She could still hear her heartbeat as her head pressed against his shoulder. The sharp report of a gun made her jump, then she realised her hands were free. She flung her arms around Shadbolt in relief. Everything would be okay now he was here. He grunted in pain and pulled away, revealing his left arm awash with blood and hanging limply by his side. He was in his underwear, she realised, then giggled.

"Enough of that," he barked, "Get cracking."

Dove nodded, and her eyes took on a faraway look.

"Air units, three more groups on the ground and a wide detection grid," she reported.

"Christ. Jam the comms; it isn't elegant but we don't have time for anything fancier."

Dove reached out through her CICI, and half considered being fancy, just for the hell of it, then...

She fell to the floor, sweat beading on her forehead. Her mouth opened and shut, then whispered,

"I need it. Now. I need it."

Shadbolt looked helpless. "I haven't any, it was all in my suit. You didn't take the tabs I gave you this morning, did you? Fool. Come on, pull yourself together!"

She swallowed. The blood pounded in her head, and her vision began to blur. She closed her eyes, trying to focus. Almost...

"Show a leg. We haven't got all day." Even Shadbolt was perspiring.

"There," she said, with effort.

He grabbed her with his good hand and took her towards the window, where the fire escape was waiting.

Mich & Ben, 12/02/01

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