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Well Merry Christmas, everyone!

In fact, this is our second Christmas together and I think it is nice that we do these things. It is like we are some big quarrelling family, steeped in acrimony. And it's only going to get worse after all the sherry and mince pies. Anyway, a lot of seasonal subs this time. We're up to 90 in all now so keep going and we might just get to the middle.

Anyway, make sure you check out the Characters as we've got a couple of Jenna's on there. If anyone else wants theirs on, write 'em up and send 'em to Mich. Also, as it was getting a little large, the RTF file has been split in two. You'll still need to download them both this time but after that you can stick to the second one. Phew!

Anyway, this bit always gets done as a bit of an afterthought and this time is no exception. I'm off now to throw another Tiny Tim on the fire and curl up with a mug of mulled wine.

Goodnight, children, and may Santa Claus visit you with all manner of pretty gifts.



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E-mail: despot_in_exile@yahoo.co.uk

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