Author Information

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How does this 'collaborative' thing work?
Guidelines for writing:
         what to write
         how much to write
         the rules
What do the editors do with my writing?
         Guide to characters so far!
         links to useful websites
         info on this setting
How do I join up?
Who are the current authors?

How does this 'collaborative' thing work?

Hopefully, by the time you read this, the story is going in full swing. So how can you be a part of it?

This is a story written by many authors, not one. Think of it like those odd childhood games where one person starts a drawing, folds the paper, the next person draws the middle, folds it, and so on. The only real difference with our collaborative fiction is that you can see everything that has been done so far - so you can make your section fit in with the rest of the plot. Each author writes a section of story (which sometimes directly follows on from the previous scene) and submits it to the editors. The editors check that it is consistent with earlier sections, and insert it in a suitable place. Ta daa! You have written the next part of the story, and someone may want to pick up on what you've done and write the next bit!

There is no predetermined plot, and no necessity to stick to one storyline - there can be many plots and subplots, and I would draw your attention to Geoff's comment.

Ultimately, we are building one story together. It is important not to 'screw over' previous authors' insertions, but to build on them, make them relevant, and gradually lead towards the end of the tale. We are in no rush to finish!

Q: What if someone else's section gets in before my one?

The editors will try to resolve all the pieces of story so that it all fits together as neatly as possible. If you feel your section really doesn't make sense where it is placed, e-mail the editors: they will do everything they can to sort it out.

This is our second experimental story venture. Our first collaborative story was Steampunk, which you can view on the archive page. This story was never fully completed, so if you wish to add a section, do please submit one!

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Guidelines for writing

How do I know what to write?

Cyberpunk is a huge genre. Geoff's details on the setting should clarify how far this is 'Cyberpunk' and give some ideas for possible stories.

Before writing, do check what previous authors have written, and see if you would want to use anything that they've begun. Can you think of a good plot for one of the characters? Perhaps you want to write a scene using a character who has already appeared in the tale. Perhaps you have a new character whom you would like to put into the story or enter another author's plot. You may even have an idea for where the whole story is going...

We have a mailing list where you can chat about the plot to the other authors and to the editors - but you are also welcome to surprise us!

The key to it is simply to try writing a piece! Do not worry if you come up with something no one else has used - that's the beauty of this sort of fiction. Rest assured, the other authors will join in!

How much should I write and how often?

You can write as much and as often as you like. As a loose guideline, most people write the equivalent of 'a scene' - the action that takes place in one location, for example. Experienced collaborative authors may want to stop mid-scene to allow another author to add their character's side of the dialogue: only try this if you've spoken to the other author first! I personally recommend you write little and often, so you can keep your hand in the story and it can be as 'interactive' as possible.

Are there any definite limits on what I write?

Your writing must be within the setting already specified - although whatever you write will probably add details to this original, basic setting. The only other 'must' is that you do not screw over other contributors by, for example, intentionally ruining their plans or killing off their characters willy-nilly. Any author who submits material intended to upset/anger other authors or ruin the story for everyone WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED on the Net. We are understanding of occasional mistakes in judgement, but this is a forum for fun, not spite.

Is my writing copyright?

The webpages are copyright to the editor, but your writing is copyright to you (as per the web copyright 'You Own Your Own Words' - YOYOW).

Do I need to pay to join in?

You don't need to pay any money to join in, and you can leave whenever you'd like - but it'd be nice if you said bye!

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What do the editors do with my writing?

"When I split an infinitive, God damn it, I split it so it will stay split."
(Raymond Chandler, Letter to Edward Weeks 18 January 1947)

The editors may do one or all of the following before adding your section to the story:

The Disclaimer Thang:
The editors reserve the right to reject inappropriate text, but will inform the author why and allow him/her to edit the submission. They will not show favouritism to any author. The editors reserve the right to reject an author's registration, or to cancel it in the event of an author becoming abusive or ruining the venture for everybody else.

Phew, glad we got that over with. Basically, unless you write your submission in non-cyberpunk-related, abusive, Satanic verse with no connection to the story so far, your submission is probably eminently acceptable. Besides which, some satanic verse may be okay...

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What cool things are there to help me?

Useful Links

Here are some useful webpages, including tips for writing fiction. This list is being updated as and when I find more...

For useful information on the setting, you should check out Geoff's original notes. Extra sources on Cyberpunk, including books, films and webpages, can be found in our bibliography. If you have found any other useful links, please mail us.

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How do I join as an author?

It's simple to join! Please send an e-mail to the editor with the following information:

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The page is is copyright © 2000, Despot_in_Exile
Last revision: 25 September 2000

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