Ghost in the Machine

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Dietrich walked briskly through the echoing lobby of the Dalyn-Steward building. He nodded at the security guards and entered a lift.

"Hold, please," said a voice.

Dietrich didn't want company, but the two men managed to squeeze through the doors without his help. The first was dressed in a shabby black coat, with piercing, almost rabid eyes. The second was fully a head shorter, in a poorly fitting suit. That one looked very nervous. He sighed slightly. Their suits' combined cost was worth less than his left cufflinks, the ruby ones from Lambert's, the new range made in Tycho city. Neither man wore the company colours, or any derivative of the logo. Dietrich regarded them suspiciously.

"Who are you?" He added mentally, and how did you get in?

The taller man smiled. The smell of sweat was rising from both of them. Definitely not corp material.

"We mean you no specific harm," the black-clad one began,

"Consider us an anecdote."

"An anecdote?" Dietrich became aware that the lift was moving downwards, not up as he had told it.

"I'm sure you will enjoy telling us to other people over expensive meals. Now, to business."

He pulled a pistol from his coat.

"Your watch, please."

Silently, Dietrich glared at the man and removed his watch. Fortunately it was not his newer one, but the slightly cheaper Shamberg. After taking it solemnly, the stranger flipped the back off with one hand and flicked a small chip onto the floor. "Wallet?" He barked, as he snapped the back of the watch shut and tucked it into a pocket.

Dietrich saw no choice but to obey. The man scan-read his credit cards, then put them back. He took a fistful of Euros and pocketed them.

"Cufflinks, tie-pin, pager, mobile, palmtop..."

Dietrich handed over all the requested items with mounting fury. Why hadn't security noticed them, or worked out that the lift had descended into the service floors where it wasn't meant to go during normal operation? Leaving aside his problems with Intsec, they could not control their own building! Unless, he realised with sinking heart, there was a hacker working with these clowns. Which meant his credit cards were already buying for someone else nineteen to the dozen.

"Lucas," the tall one said to his scruffy companion, "the box."

'Lucas', if that was his name, produced a lead-lined box, which he snapped shut after the stolen items had been placed in it. The lift shuddered to a stop. Dietrich felt such a fool. These goons would pay for this. He met the gaze of the tall man, who was still pointing his pistol.

"Ah, yes," he said. "There was one more thing. Your suit."

"What?" Dietrich's anger burst to the surface.

"Your suit," came the patient reply, "and while we're there, your tie and shirt."

"You're mad," Dietrich told him, as he struggled out of his trousers. High quality ones too, his second most expensive suit. Custom made with Polymax (TM) coating, allowing their shade to change depending on the situation.

"No. Just very, very thorough. Thank you. Now open wide."

Dietrich's eyes bulged.

"Only joking."

The smaller man pushed off the inspection cover and crawled through it onto the lift. With an elegant jump, the other robber followed. The hatch was shut.

Dietrich let out his breath and cursed the Intsec, not for the first time this week. The hatch swung open.

"What floor did you want?"

"372," Dietrich said, automatically.

The hatch shut again. After a while, the lift began to rise.

The doors opened on floor one hundred and six.

Andrew & Ben, 25/11/00

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