Tea Ceremony

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Le Thé Café, Geneve, 2074.

Konnichi-wa, Fuyukage-san. Dozo.

Dozo yoroshiku, Taira-san. Are you well?

I am. And you? Thé vert pour deux, s'il vous plait.

Well. Yes.

That is good. You have seen our operative at the clinic?

I have, this morning.

And how do the doctors think she is recovering?

She is making a good recovery. It is expected to be complete if lengthy. The main problem in the medium term will be the neural regeneration of the severed arm. Doctor Buch has compensated for this in the interim by using a CICI link to activate the muscles whilst the nerves regrow.

I see. You must be relieved.

Why do you say so, Taira-san?

You are close to her, are you not?

So desu. But that was a long time ago. My relief is principally in not losing a considerable asset to the Yon-Ju-Shichi.

If indeed she was such a considerable asset... ah! Merci beaucoup. If she were such an asset then she would not be in a Swiss clinic and her principal would still be alive. Hmmm?

You know that you are wrong, Taira-san. Barnworth-san displayed courage and honour in her attempt to make good on her contract in the face of overwhelming odds. The 'black-box' CICI recording credits her with nine kills all of which were equipped with declassified Crucible bio-enhancements...

Nevertheless, she was employed as a bodyguard by Weissmann-sensei and he is now dead.

That has not been confirmed.

But it is undoubtedly true.

The Yon-Ju-Shichi have occasionally been known to default on contracts when the client was unwilling to pay for sufficient personnel and material. We do not hold our operatives responsible for these defaults. All we ask is that they show the utmost honour, courage and skill in attempting to fulfil the contract.
Barnworth-san faced seventeen bio-enhanced, heavily armed assailants. She neutralised over half of them. She never attempted to preserve her own life when this would have jeopardised her contract. She demonstrated amply the skill and the courage that the Yon-Ju-Shichi are renowned for.

This spirited advocacy does not have to do with your affection for the woman, perhaps?

How dare you insinuate such a thing!

Because I have been asked by the partnership to ensure that this affair, which is exposing the Yon-Ju-Shichi to considerable publicity, does not turn out to be a fiasco.

Hmph! They should learn to trust my judgement.

Please, Fuyukage-san. You are a respected colleague. We have every faith in your judgement. We also have processes of which you, as well as any of us, understand the necessity.

Yes, very well. Sumimasen. But my affection for the woman is based on my belief in her ability as a soldier not the reverse. Yes. I know this, Fuyukage-san, but I had to ask. I understand.

Is the attention that this affair created being managed well so far?

Yes it is. Legal and Advisory are seen to be co-operating fully with the British police and will supply them with a statement from Barnworth-san as soon as she is well enough. More generally, whilst there is some criticism of her failure to save Weissmann-sensei, it is generally accepted that, under the circumstances, it was not possible. As you say, her courage is seen as a credit to the Yon-Ju-Shichi.

Yes. This is good.

And we have already had a generous offer for her services, as soon as she is adequately recovered.

Really. This will please her, I am sure.

I am not so sure.

I can assure you. I was speaking with her this morning. She is anxious to resume her duties. To compensate for the loss of Weissmann-sensei despite the fact she was not to blame.

The client is perhaps not one for whom Barnworth-san would wish to work.

Why do you say this?

He is an old student of yours.

So? Ah...

Yes! Perhaps she should go as your partner to Megavissey. I understood that you were invited.

Yes. The deceased was an honoured client of the Yon-Ju-Shichi.

Ironic then that he should have been killed by them.

Do you think? Do you not think he might have planned it that way?

That had not occurred to me.

Why should it? But it is very likely. The man was... not straightforward.

Hmmm. Anyway, the partnership will fully understand if Barnworth-san does not wish to accept this contract.

Very well. I shall ask her.

Excellent. Je voudrais payer, s'il vous plait.
Fuyukage-san, I must shortly take my leave of you. I promised my husband that I would bring him back some Swiss chocolate, so I must do some shopping.

Yes. Well then.

Merci. Huh! This country is more expensive even than Japan.

How much do I owe you?

Nothing. You can return the favour another time, Fuyukage-san.

As you wish. Sayonnara, Taira-san.


Geoff Hinkley, 17/11/00

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