There are several components on every page:
  • header
  • header menu
  • left menu
  • content window
  • background
  • bottom menu
  • page footer
  • font group

But the single most important component is the main page table that everything is in. This main page table is 600 pixels wide and centered on the page. One thing to keep in mind is that this template was designed as an informational web site, not an e-commerce catalog or a all-in-one web portal like Yahoo. Most of the content is driven by text, therefore.

So, although many monitors today can be nearly twice as wide as 600 pixels, no one really wants to read text across the entire width of a 1024 pixel wide page or even an 800 pixel wide page for that matter. In fact, even 600 pixel widths are difficult to deal with when text runs from edge to edge. That is why the main content window is 470 pixels wide. There is also the issue that many users today still have the old 640X480 standard for viewing. Many designers today disregard this faction but Whittier cannot afford to since initial access to its web site may be from a public school computer lab that may not have the latest from Dell.

Below is a rendering of the main page table with its basic width dimensions:

600 pixels wide, 0 cell spacing, 0 cell padding, centered

Header Identifier page include
(logo.htm) 380 pixels
right arrow page include
(top_right.htm) 220 pixels
Header menu page include (header2.htm) 600 pixels
Left menu
page include


130 pixels


470 pixels

usually includes a "nested" table inside it with a cell padding of 7 pixels and width of either 450 or 460 pixels right justified.

Bottom menu page include (bottom_menu.htm) 600 pixels
Footer page include (footer.htm) 600 pixels

You'll notice that some of the cell items are "page include" material. These are common files kept in the "include" folders that make it a very simple and routine matter to update the included content on every page in the web site. The spec table above has links to the actual included pages for this page, so you can see what they look like by themselves.

This "included page" feature is some magic that FrontPage works. It inserts code that tells the web server to include the content on the included pages where they belong on the page. It makes pages download faster since the user keeps the included content "in cache" on their computers so when you click on a new page, it only loads the content unique to that page.

Further discussion of the specifications of the included pages is available off the left menu at the top of this page.

W H I T T I E R   C O L L E G E
13406 East Philadelphia » P.O. Box 634 » Whittier, CA 90608-4413
Main: (562) 907-4200 » Fax: (562) 698-4067
W e b   T e m p l a t e   M a n u a l