
For a while I was really into WildCATS and GEN13. I still get GEN13, but they really killed WildCATS for me. Fortunitly, I still love the figures.
GEN13 These are among my first customs. Fairchild and Rainmaker were both made with Toybiz's (clear) Invisible Woman (Sarah has a Pocahontas head). Grunge was made from a Hulk body and the Indian's head from X-men. Burnout was made from a Cyclops body and John Smith head. Finally, Roxy was made from a Marvel Invisible Woman body and a Classic Trek Nurse Chapel head. After I was done all that, I realized that all that head switching just wasn't worth it!

Backlash This was another great title, til they mucked it up and then killed it. Made from WildCATs Pike and Void figures and a TMNT Princess movie figure

Savant a great character. Made from a Trek First Contact Beverly Crusher

Lord Emp (Jacob Marlow) another great character... man, I miss when this comic used to be good! Made from a Dick Tracy figure

Providence One of my all time favorite characters, and they never really did anything with her! Made from a Campus Cuties PVC with a lot of alteration

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