Top Cow

I just LOVE these comics!, but obviously, so do a lot of other people because all of these have since been made professionally
Medieval Witchblade MAC's is certainly better than mine, especially in the clevage department, but I like my cloak better than the cloth. Made from WildCATS Zealot

Top Cow meets X-files These figures started out as X-files' Maulder and Scully, but after I heard McFarlane was making them, I decided to do something nobody else has. Made from Star Trek First Contact Lilly and Data. The Lone Gunmen Darklings were hand sculpted

Cyber Force Its too bad this comic was cancelled. But at least I have the figures!

The Men... Amy sculpted Heatwave and Ripclaw from WildCATS Spartan and a mix of Warblade and Helspont. I made Stryker and Impact from Mr. Magestic and a Toybiz Hulk

The Ladies.... Before they made it into packaging. Cyblade was made from WildCATS Void, Velocity/Voodoo, and Balistic/Zealot

Witchblade This was one of my first custom figures. She was made from a Toybiz Spiderwoman. I learned quickly that I'm only as good as the figure I start with...

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David Ludwig