More Calvin

Obviously, this is my son Calvin Alexander and not a custom action figure, though he is named after my favorite comic stip and what I consider to be the best guide to 4-7 year old child rearing on the market
Twins? This is Cal with our new puppy Lady Lorelie

Proud Poppa just me and the baby

He's soooooo small

Proud Grandpop Pop Dutch

He was always fussy with Grandmom she should stop pinching him

And again... how can she pinch him from there?

Mom-mom rocks him to sleep This grandparent has 11 other grandkids. Do you think she even knows who she's holding at this point?

The classic Ludwig Pic

How Angelic mom doesn't really like having her picture on the web, but since she can't even find the sight, I guess I can get away with this

Queen Elizabeth Cal's first vaction was to the 98' Pennsylvania Rennaissance Faire

Cal's new Girlfriend Esmerelda took quite a shine to Cal. Better watch out, Gregory. You have competition

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David Ludwig