Over the years the many famous faces have tap danced their way through the Widow Twanky's Dance School. Some were more destined to dance than others, but their hearts were in the right place. Well most of them anyway.

Perhaps the most well known student was Hercules. Upon finding the maiden in distress, Althea, Hercules decides to do what any self respecting hero would, and offers to help. Althea's one true dream is to dance in the Pan Athena dance contest in the small town of Rumba. Since Hercules has never danced a step in his life and Althea's talent is questionable they go in search of a dance teacher. After being rejected by every dance school in Rumba, the Widow Twanky decides to help them in their hopeless cause. By finding the dancers within Hercules and Althea dance at the Pan Athena and win.

On a side note: anyone who has seen the Australian film "Strictly Ballroom", will notice a number of similarities to Fancy Free. Strictly Ballroom has the same plot, and even some of the same dance steps, however, instead of the Pan Athena the characters compete in the Pan Pacific. I suppose it would be more correct that Fancy Free is the one that bears the similarities, but let's not stand on ceremony. I highly recommend Strictly Ballroom, it is a wonderful film.

Fancy Free

Hercules and his first dance partner, Althea.

Althea showing her stuff

"I can't do it it's too hard" "Say that again and I shall have to wash your mouth out with soap!"

"Look at the size of that bicep!"

More Fancy Free


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