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Ballfesting in Palmdale, California


Terri & Maria

June 26, 1999


Hi Everyone!!!


Maria and I thought we would tell you about our little mini-Ballfest that we had yesterday, but first a little history on how we met.


I was checking out the internet looking for information about that cute guy that sang with so much expression on the 10th Anniversary of Les Miz special on PBS.  After putting Michael Ball into my search engine I found the MBFC website, where I proceeded to go to the forum.  I asked if anyone knew if Michael had any videos out or CDs-- Well Maria answered me and the rest is history as they say.  We have be communicating on the internet ever since - talking almost every night and could not wait to meet!


Finally yesterday was the day!


Maria showed up at 10:00 Am in the morning with her children in tow (absolutely adorable children!)  I ran out to the truck and we both just hugged and got very teary eyed.  Maria came in with her load of Michael Ball stuff. She handed me the OK Magazine -- I live out in the middle of the desert and have no stores around me that I could have gotten my hands on it -- so I was absolutely thrilled.  She showed me what she had and I had my Michael stuff laid out on the counter right next to the CD player so we could listen as we visited.  We did not know what to do next or where to start. Maria had a video that I wanted to see and I had a video that she wanted to see.  Well since she was nice enough to bring me the OK Magazine I decided to be nice and show her my video first.  Maria, her children, my daughter and myself all sat down and watched and drooled our way through the afternoon. 


We ate lunch and then we proceeded to look at each others sheet music, as we both like to play the piano.  (Well Maria and her children play piano and I play *WITH* the piano).  We all played the piano for each other.  Then Maria and I went into town to copy some of our sheet music so we could

When we got back from town -- we had dinner. We then played a game with the children.  Our day together lasted until about 11:30PM.   It was a very fun-filled day, a day that none of us would have had if it hadn't been for the common bond that brought us together -- and that bond is Michael.  Michael brings so many wonderful people together -- I wish there was some way to let him know that.  Maria and her children and my family will be friends forever, I just know it.  We are already planning when we can see each other again. 


Lots of Hugs to everyone -- Terri & Maria


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