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Jackie's Totally Original


Completely Unofficial


...and the Original World of Ballfesting


These pages are dedicated to Michael Ball and Ballfests everywhere and especially to all the wonderfully caring and interesting people Merrill and I have met through Ballfesting. 

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 Watch for a new and recently added feature as you move from area to area!

We have just begun to add special dedications to some of our pages...

It may take awhile to get them all done, but we will be working on it each day!

If you have been a contributor or a Ballfest Buddy - Watch for your own special page!


Please Note: The poems, photos, stories, articles, reports, reviews, graphics and/or other material included on these pages are ALL copyrighted or owned by me or Ballfest friends.  Every word, photo, etc., is included with permission of the owner, photographer, poet and/or author.  I have endeavored to give credit to everyone who has very kindly and graciously allowed me to include their material here unless they have specifically asked to remain anonymous.  I have not identified the people in many of the photographs, as quite often I do not know who they are, and also to preserve the privacy of those who may just have been in camera range when another fan snapped a photo, or maybe because they asked not to be identified.  I take my responsibility to my donors and benefactors seriously, so if you are in a photo belonging to someone else, I apologize, but I also respect the desire of the photographer to share his or her personal photos (especially those of Michael Ball or one or another musical theatre star) with Ballfest Place visitors.

Please then, do not use the materials on these pages in the manufacture, distribution or most especially for sales of merchandise, whether for profit or for charitable donations, without written permission of the owner, as every photo here is privately owned, and in most cases publicly credited to the owner.  Take note that to do so is a breach of copyright laws. 

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