PROJECT SIX-FACE/VASE + Lettering OBJECTIVES: Students will draw a face in profile in Paint utilizing copy and flip. This will result in a positive/negative picture. Students will learn patterned lettering, suitable for greeting cards. SUPPLIES: Formatted 2SHD IBM compatible disk, Paint, colored printer and paper and mounting supplies. PRELIMINARY REQUIREMENTS: Part 1--Making the Face/Vase picture.
Do not use the colors black or white due to the lettering project. Click on a color such as brown. Click on the solid rectangle and draw a rectangle that fills the screen. Start about ¼ way across the top line. Using the brush tool, draw a profile of a face facing right. Begin with the forehead. End at or under the chin about ¼ way across the bottom line of the rectangle with which you began. Select the profile portion of the picture. Edit + copy and edit + paste. Click on Image and flip and rotate horizontal. Drag to have faces facing each other without touching. Line up the top and bottom with the rectangle. Both faces should be inside the rectangle. If necessary, widen the rectangle. Select fill. Fill both faces with one color and choose its opposite color for the vase. Save as Face1.
Part 2--Lettering with patterned letters (also used for greeting cards):