Rules of the Game

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The firefight was intense, shells whistled all over the place. Arnie2000 jumped over the barricade to where aTHENa was.

"What the hell is going on?"

aTHENa turned to him. "How the hell should I know?"

"I thought we had stipulated no heavy weapons?"

"So did I. It was that last player to log on who changed the rules."

"I didn't think you could do that."

"You're not supposed to be able to. But I've heard there are ways."

Arnie2000 peeked over the piece of cover for a moment and got a spray of bullets his way for his troubles.

"Who is that over there?"

"I'm not sure who it is in real life. Goes by the name of BaBBaGe. Rumours are he's that AI over in America."

"Don't be stupid, that would mean he's a computer. Why would he be playing Slaughterhouse?"

"I'm not sure."

aTHENa sidestepped out from one side to get a quick look. The high velocity shells tore through her shoulder and she let off a few bursts from her machine pistol before ducking back.

"That bitch is over there. The one who changed the rules."


BaBBaGe had not expected someone else to cheat this way in a game. It was quite refreshing.

They had been firing upon each other for twenty minutes now and neither had actually caused any damage to each other. He was interested to meet this individual.

Striding forward he moved out into the centre square of the level. "I want to talk to you," he announced.

A figure carrying a mini-gun stepped out from behind a pillar and walked over to his location.

"That's why I'm here."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Ada, and you'd be Babbage."

"Yes, I am BaBBaGe. And your name is AdA. But how are you doing this?"

"You mean cheating? Same way you are, sweetie."

"How can you do that?"

"Same way you can."

"No, that cannot be, that would make you..."

"For an AI, you're not very bright."

She gave him a bright smile and logged off, blinking out of existence.

Paul Taylor, 07/03/01

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