Glass Slipper Dream

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Dove hummed to herself as she applied the last of the make-up. She stood back, an artist at work. A little more crimson here, less blue there. Her eyes agleam, she pressed the mask gently to her face and turned to look in the mirror. She liked what she saw. The make-up was wild, almost primal. It was impossible to tell where her painted skin ended and the mask started. She smiled, and the figure in the mirror seemed to smile too. For a brief moment, they were both happy.

Friday night was her 'going out' night. Quite often, however, she found she had better things to do and, although she had dressed up in her best club gear, decided not to go out. So far, she had not actually 'gone out' on any Friday night. Or any other night especially. But she had high hopes she would do so this evening.

She pulled on the close-fitting leather suit, mouth pursed with the effort, and zipped it up. Another glance in the mirror. Yes.

Her hand reached towards the bedroom door, and hesitated. What would Shadbolt say? Same thing he said most Fridays, she suspected, "we have work to do". Well, work could wait. Just this once. Because, this time, she felt right.

She opened the door, and froze. There, in the lounge, sat Shadbolt and... someone else. Someone in a worn leather jacket. Someone young. Someone male.

The young man immediately jumped to his feet.

"Um, Shadbolt - there's a um..."

Shadbolt didn't look up.

"That's Dove. My partner."

Cold silence reigned for a moment, and Shadbolt's mouth curled into a smile.

"Business partner, anyway. For the moment." He continued, leaning back.

Lucas stared at the leather-wrapped kabuki figure in the doorway. He was suddenly propelled to life by the sound of his own voice.

"I'm... Lucas."

"Dove." she responded in kind.

"That's pretty." He took a step nearer, cautiously. "What's it short for?"

"Davinia," Dove lied sweetly, without pausing for breath. There was a snort from Shadbolt's direction. Dove glared.

Shadbolt usually found these encounters with people outside Dove's and his little world amusing. There was something stilted about this one - until he recalled that it was a Friday night and Dove would, as usual, be dressed up. They'd have to go through the same rigmarole as last week. He stood up, drawing a breath.

"Cancel all your plans, my little avian, we're going shopping."

Her body language pouted. Shadbolt sighed inwardly. He wished he couldn't see her fear so easily, but to him it was evident in her confident pose, her leather suit, and certainly in the vivid colours of her mask. He knew she didn't want to go out. The same way she hadn't wanted to go out last Friday. Or the Friday before. He paused for a moment, as if considering her unspoken objection.

"Duty calls, I'm afraid." Pause. "Sorry. I need you."

Dove placed her hands on her hips. "Do you really?"

Lucas heard the sarcasm. Shadbolt heard the hope.

"Yes," he said, pointing to a hand-scribbled list lying on the table.

The discussion closed, in his opinion, Shadbolt turned to Lucas. "Come on. There's work to be done."

"Wait," she exclaimed, indignant. "That's it, is it? You say and I do?"

Shadbolt turned on her angrily, opening his mouth as if to release a few choice homilies. Then he seemed to reconsider, and relaxed.

"Dove," he said, taking her arm. "We need you here in case anything goes awry while we're 'shopping'. You know full well there's no one as good as you at confounding the police. We both need you."

Dove raised her head to look at Lucas. Behind the mask, her eyes were wide with curiosity.

Shadbolt brushed the leather lightly, and continued,

"We'd best be off. I'll get in touch if we need any help. See you later, 'Davinia'."

Dove and Shadbolt exchanged a silent glance. Shadbolt saw relief. Lucas saw disgust. Then Shadbolt escorted Lucas out of the front door, and away from his business partner.

Mich & Ben, 07/11/00

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