Beware of the Dog

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<Activating CICI uplink to local cell network>
<Scrambler 4a used in conjunction with code Red-Omega>
<Diary entry 46 started>
<Access given to list 5 after death>

Hello Diary,

It's strange how being in extreme danger speeds up the mind. Even right now I'm running for my life, but can still be wrignitng this. Gah... not without typos denoms thogh... Anyways... diary entry 46, date .. well.. I forget... gah sod it.. on with the stuff...

Fences are usually made to stop people passing from one side to another. In a research site like this, you would have expected them to be pretty good at it. Unfortunately it seems like the site manager is cheapskate, or an embezzler...

Oww... legs starting to ache...

Left turn here... lets hope the fire exit is where it's meant to be... How can anything run so fast after breaking though a razor wire fence???

Ah! If I can..... just...

Thank God.... And I thought air vents people could fit in only existed in movies. Then again, only a meta-morph could jump high enough to reach the damn thing...

Oh.. shit.....

Wait.. heh... built too low... can't reach, So I just close this grating and... Ah.. Now that I have some time... let's go back to how this began...

"Hey, I think you got the wrong contact, babe, I ordered a 'morph."

Yet another stupid contact who only knows metamorphs from films..

"I am who was sent to you. And I have been bio-mechanically enhanced."

I hate the term morph... makes me sound sub-human... Anyway, I'm not really a full 'morph' as most people view them.. Yes, my bones have been laced and grafted with AIP, and yes, I do have some electro-tensive fibres to back-up my normal muscles.. And I will admit, (but only to this diary) that I may even have a small nanite hive produced by Grenoble-Haematologie. Purely for general upkeep... not those huge things that can re-attach limbs that I've seen on some mercs.

But nothing else. I'm not a damn cyborg, I'm just a woman who needs an edge to STAY ALIVE !!!!

Anyway... I'm getting side-tracked..

"Hmpf.. I hope you're up to this job, girl."

GIRL!?!?! Coming from some suit who looks barely 25... Must not rip out throat.... grrr....

"I assure you, a woman like myself does not take on jobs she can't do." My voice manages to stay calm. I've had to do this enough times before...

He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a disk...

"Well, I'd best hope so, I need this mission to succeed." "Bah, get in, steal research info on using metamorphed dogs as guards, get out, it's not that tough. If you've got the resources" I slip the disk in my pocket. "Speaking of resources.... my advance please..."

He grimaces, but hands over the money.

"Domo Arigato, mate."

And I leave. Time to pick up my fake pass from Eddie.

Sounded simple. Who would have thought they actually be USING morphed guard dogs? With their sense of smell hooked up to a computerised ID checker. One minute it's eating on the other side of razor wire fence, next minute it's running headfirst into it, not even noticing all the blood dripping off its face.

And I don't even have a gun on me. That level of clearance in a Medico facility is too difficult to get.

Hmm... what's that sound...



<Activating CICI uplink to local cell network>
<Scrambler 2e used in conjunction with code Blue-Delta>
<Diary entry 47 started>
<Access given to list 5 after death>

<Signal poor.. possibly damaged transmitter...>
<Electronics check OK......>
<Assume host in pain. Activating filters.>



But my mind is still so damn fuzzy...

Damn. I didn't know the CICI could do that...

Where am I? Still in the vent...

My leg... blood...

I can feel the warmth of the nanites rebuilding the musculature.

What could have ripped open my leg like that??

The dog!!!! WHERE IS IT!!!

It's... Oh. Oh my god.

I receive a message from the nanites saying they have found a source of organic material for repairs.

This bloated black and blue corpse must be it... looks like a poison.. I can see claw marks on its neck...

My fingers ache. What did those bastards put in me?

<Entry closed, host has lost consciousness>

Huw Jones, 31/10/00

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