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Enlightenment Questions - Question From Nataliya

Dear Tathagata,

You mentioned that Karma can be "extinguished through endless love." I would like to know what exactly is love and how can one love endlessly ?


Answer from Tathagata

Dear Nataliya,

Love is to bless everyone. But it's definitely not easy. Because everybody has themselves that is made by activity of past and it doesn't change easily, it's also not to be thrown away with ease. First of all, if you want to know about things in the world and you are interested in this kind of a basic knowledge, I can have a lot of conversation with you.


Further Response from Nataliya

Dear Tathagata,

I am definitely interested in talking with you, I have many questions. I want to know how to love selflessly
and also how to get to the point of having faith. how can I believe something that I haven't seen or
experienced? I was brought up christian for 20 years and last year I gave up on religion because I just
never saw any results. now I'm reading a book, and I run into the same problem of faith. I just can't understand how to have faith. can you help me ?

Thank you for writing me back and I will wait for your


Further Reply from Tathagata

Dear Nataliya,

What you said that you couldn't get anything through Christianity for 20 years was very reasonable. I've never seen anything helpful what recent Christian teachings have for human life. And inside the teachings, it's not a truth but just words. And how to get faith is first, we can believe something after we see that and second, we can believe something with evidence. When you want to believe other's word, you need to verify that there is enough proof or not. If you have anything to ask, please ask me again next time.
