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Enlightenment Questions - Question From Dr. Lopez

Dear Tathagata:

Happy New Year 2008 !

Sorry, Do You have Self-Realization? I am Professor of Physics, with
interest in Science and Spirituality.

Thanks for Your time.

Sincerely, Dr. López-Bonilla, Mexico city

Answer from Tathagata

Dear Dr.Lopez-Bonilla,
The one who sees the actual only can realise if I am enlightened or not. Therefore I can not say anything to you as I don't know what you can see and how. What I say is not made from my emotion after reading some books, but I say something after seeing what is in the actual. That's why not everybody can say like me. If you are interested in my reply I expect your concrete questions about what you want to know. Then, we may become good friends.


Further response from Dr. Lopez-Bonilla

Dear Tathagata:

Happy New Year 2008 ! Thanks for Your kind reply. Yes, only the One can say when we have God-Realization. My concrete question is: How is Your attitude towards daily life after Your God -Realization ?
I have a Ph.D. in Physics, am father of 4 children, I have 52 years old with a serious interest in Science and Spirituality, my academic-scientific life is very intense..., then, How "to see" our activities as a sadhana ?
Thanks for Your words which are important in my inner path.

Peace for You.

In 1987, 88 and 89 I visited Nepal with climbers expeditions to several himalayan mountains, thus I lived some weeks with the tibbetan monks (lamas) at Kopan Monastery, Kathmandu. In Aug. 1991 I traveled
to South India towards the Ashram of Sri Ramana Maharshi. I love the Teachings from Masters as Aurobindo, Shirdi Baba, Yukteswar, Gandhi...., but I never had some conversation with a Guru, that is, a
Self-Realized Being.

I Am Professor and Researcher in Physics and Mathematics, thus my
interest is in Science and Spirituality.

Thanks for Your words.

Dr. Lopez

Further Answer from Tathagata

Dear Dr.Lopez,

I have traveled a lot and met so many people but truth was hardly welcomed by them. My heart was always painful because people had been fallen into falsehood. If I say something for the world I can say that I work for the truth of the world. And what I do is helpful to get my beautiful life.


Further response from Dr. Lopez

Dear Tathagata:

Thanks for Your kind message ! Please You tell me more about Your experiences.
Yours in the Higher Being.

Sincerely, José Luis, Mexico city

Dear Dr. Lopez,

People who don't have good Karma suffer very much to learn and accept truth.
So, there is no people nearby me to learn my teaching and no one wants to inform my teaching to others as well.
But I want to tell how my teaching is important for the world and I still can not find someone to talk.


Further Response from De. Lopez

Dear Tathagata,

Thanks for Your kind words. Yes, I understand that each person has his proper karma for this incarnation, his proper path... If You like it, You may explain me Your Teaching which I shall receive with great interest and respect. First, I would like to know, for benefit the people, Your history.path towards the Enlightenment, about Your Guru, etc. , thanks.

Sincerely, Your brother José Luis, Mexico city

Further Reply from Tathagata

Dear Dr. Lopez,

The proof that I attained enlightenment is to see things in the world. It's only possible through verifying. If you want to attain enlightenment, I can tell you about it. But I don't know that you can believe my word or not. From what I've heard, a good teaching doesn't cross the threshold but a bad word can go a great distance in one night. I want to know how you can believe my word and accept it because until now, the way how to attain enlightenment has not appeared in the world. I have no teacher. There is a word in the world. A genius can be appeared by heaven and a man of ability can be appeared by education. If we are getting closer, you will understand fairly by yourself how I get this kind of ability and you will get great enlightenment as well.


Further Response from Dr. Lopez

Dear Tathagata,

Thanks for Your kind reply, am glad when I receive Your words.
Yes, I wish to attain the Enlightenment, and I believe Your word, and therefore I would like to know more about Your process towards Enlightenment.
I shall believe in Your word because I 'feel' that You are honest, and besides I also am honest in my inner quest.
I have a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics (quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, relativity), am father of 4 children, I have 52 years old. My Directors of Thesis were disciples of Prof. Richard Feynman (Nobel Prize of Physics 1965) and Prof. Ilya Prigogine (Nobel Prize of Chemistry 1977). My Curriculum is fine because it has 243 international scientific publications in journals from several countries.
In 1987, 88 and 89 I visited Nepal and lived in monasteries of tibbetan monks (lamas) in Kathmandu.
In Aug. 1991 I visited South India towards the Ashram of Sri Ramana Maharshi..., but I love the Teachings of Masters as Aurobindo, Yukteswar, Shirdi Baba,...., but I consider to Mahatma Gandhi as my Outer Guru...., besides I have a strong inner attraction towards Masters Kuthumi and Saint Germain.
I do not know if in my present incarnation I will attain the Enlightenment..., but okay if You can help me in my spiritual path.
Thanks !
Sincerely, Dr. López-Bonilla, Mexico city

Further Reply from Tathagata

Dear Dr. Lopez

Your effort and one great ambition that you really want attain Enlightenment will decide if you're going to attain Enlightenment or not. And for attaining Enlightenment, you need very big courage. For simple example, all of saints who had born in the past said this word quite often. A way to the hell is crowded with many people. There are few people on the way to paradise. This example show how difficult it is to attain Enlightenment and how hard it is to proceed a way to Enlightenment. There are a lot of people who have Karma and say they want to attain Enlightenment. However, actually, if they meet an enlightened being or het a guidance of an enlightened being, all of them run away from the one normally. This example has shown in the society of Human being for a long time and you also need to think this example and after checking that you really need to attain Enlightenment in future and how much zeal you have inside of you, receive guidance from me. Then, I will answer all of your questions kindly.


Further Response from Dr. Lopez

Dear Tathagata,

Thanks for Your wise words !
Yes, I understand You: It is difficult the path towards Enlightenment, and it implies a strong inner conviction...My interest in the spirituality begin when I had 13 years old ...and it continues after 39 years !
While I continue with my scientific research on Free Energy-Tesla technology via quantum mechanics to benefit the people...

Thanks for Your time.
Sincerely, Dr. López-Bonilla

Answer from Tathagata

Dear Dr. Lopez,

I read your mail well. And you ask me of question many times. Whenever I heard your name, I feel you friendly. What I can tell you is I'm a being that I recognize things in the world and I try to inform that to people. Therefore, when you ask me of what you want to know, I truly see the part and give you answer that you want. My appearance is just an ordinary person . And I never support God. This is the biggest characteristic in my life. But I know almost people live with being bound by the world of God for a spiritual contact. So first, please understand this point, people's life who are around me and receive my teaching is different a lot.
