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#Lightwave channel.
- NULLOBJ bot commands -

MSG commands for NullObj:
For help on a command, /MSG NullObj HELP <command>
Admin: TheRaven <email: raven@ravenimaging.com>


EMAIL /MSG NullObj EMAIL <my email address>
This will set your email address. It's shown when
someone does a WHOIS on you (see HELP WHOIS)
INFO /MSG NullObj INFO <password> [channel] [an info line]
Whatever you set as your info line will be shown when
you join the channel, as long as you haven't been there
in the past three minutes. It is also shown to people
when they ask the bot for WHO or WHOIS. You may set an
info line specific to a channel like so:
/MSG NullObj INFO mypass #channel This is my info.
Or you may set the default info line (used when there
is no channel-specific one) like so:
/MSG NullObj INFO mypass This is my default info.
/MSG NullObj INFO <password> [channel] NONE
This erases your info line.
WHO /MSG NullObj WHO <channel>
This will show you a list of who's on that channel right
now, and each person's info line (if they have one).
IDENT /MSG NullObj IDENT <password> [nickname]
This lets me recognize you from a new address. You must
use your password (the one you set with PASS) so I know
it's really you. If you're using a different nickname
than you were when you registered, you'll have to give
your original nickname too.
NOTES You must use your password for any NOTES command.

/MSG NullObj NOTES <password> INDEX
This lists all the notes stored up for you.
'READ ALL', it will show you every note stored for you.
/MSG NullObj NOTES <password> ERASE <# or ALL>
This works like READ, except it erases whichever note you
tell it to (or all of them).
/MSG NullObj NOTES <password> TO <nickname> <message...>
This stores a note to someone, as long as I know him or
her. They will be informed of a note waiting for them
the next time they join the channel.

WHOIS /MSG NullObj WHOIS <nick>
This will give you information about someone else I
know, including his or her default info line, email
address, when they were last on the channel, and
if they are an op or master.
PASS /MSG NullObj PASS <password>
This sets a password, which lets you use other commands,
like IDENT.
/MSG NullObj PASS <oldpass> <newpass>
This is how you change your password.

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