HTML Editor Freeware

Size: 371K
OS: Win 95/NT
Description: HTMLtool is a powerfull freeware HTML editor with twelve, categorized tabbed toolbars for quick tag choices. In addition to a well-organized interface that includes an optional file manager and tag list, HTMLtool has helpers for tables, lists, style sheets, and more. Other features include user defined tags, template and project support, tag removal, Quik-Pic drag and drop image insertion, a file weight calculator, and more. A Script Wizard and three Java applets are also included. Popup descriptions help describe entry fields and listboxes, but no other documentation is provided, making HTMLtool more appropriate for experienced HTML authors. This freeware system has a lot to offer and includes some nice tools.
Author: Lorenz Graf

Size: 2.27M
OS: Win 95/NT
Description: Among the many choices you have when looking at HTML editors, SiteAid is a "must have" freeware application that allows the user all the freedom and power of a commercial editor, without the investment. Having traveled through many hours of design and bug testing, SiteAid delivers a quality choice not often found in freeware. SiteAid allows the user many options when it's time to design your web site, allowing the user more time to concentrate on content, while spending less time concerned about correct HTML syntax. For those users who have MS Internet Explorer on your system, SiteAid contains a built in browser to view your documents. SiteAid also allows easy configuration allowing your favorite browser as a preview tool for your creations. For the beginner and experienced HTML author alike, SiteAid provides numerous helpers to make mundane tasks such as body attribute selection, tables, frames, lists, links and images an absolute breeze to insert. Give SiteAid a test today, we think you'll find out why we feel SiteAid is, "the most valuable freeware on the Internet today!"
Author: Designs Unlimited

Size: 1.76M
OS: Win 95/NT
Description: Powerful Web Site Workshop. •Imports fully formatted text, tables, outlines from any Windows 95-compliant application, automatically converts to HTML. •Supports up to 6 Web browsers, switches between them in a flash. •Supports development of HTML, frames, CGI, Perl, C++, Java and Javascript. •Built-in intelligent FTP client automatically uploads changed files, for complete Internet access in one program. •User-defined toolbars provide any tags or content you need for any of the supported languages. •User-defined file templates -- allows you to specify default document format and contents. •Global search & replace across all open documents, no limit to number of open documents except system resources. •Built-in step-by-step tutorials on HTML development, JavaScript, frames, the Internet.
Author: Paul Lutus

Size: 948K
OS: Win 95/NT
Description: HTML editor for the advanced user. No WYSIWYG but pure, fast, intelligent editing of HTML. Multiple open documents, multiple templates, table wizard, autosizing of images (JPG and GIF), text framing, build-in HEX/DEC converter, color picker (HEX style), and more. Hot keys providing access to your favourite HTML reference library, FTP program, browser, Dial-Up Networking etc.
Author: Kim Jensen

Size: 1M
OS: Win 95/NT
Description: Are you frustrated with the "wizard-ware" HTML editors flooding the 'net? Maybe you just wish you could find an editor that was simple enough to figure out on your own but powerful enough to markup your pages in a hurry? This is your editor, then. It's fast and it's easy to use. DominHTML lets you control your editing process. We never bothered with the multi-screen wizard-thing but instead created little "roll-up" dialog boxes that contain the tags you need and that don't lock you out of your document while they're open. With this approach, you can keep a tag helper on screen all the time, editing your document and inserting codes interactively.
Author: Domino Computing Services

Size: 2471K
OS: Win 95
Description: Full-featured HTML editor with a clean, uncluttered interface and many useful features, including intuitive forms for adding images, tables, links, lists, sounds, hex values, special characters, frames, body and font attributes, and more. All forms can be kept on top as floating toolbars. A comprehensive Tag List contains definitions of tags and their attributes. Standard templates, handy drop-down menus, and multiple toolbars...
Author: The Computer Guys

Quick Web HTML Editor
Size: 609K
OS: Win 95/NT
Description: QuickWeb comes with an easy to learn and easy to use interface. All the basic HTML tags are connected to a speedbutton on the toolbar. A table can be a very powerful item on your webpage. With QuickWeb you only have to point-and-click with your mouse to add a table to your webpage ! Use frames to give your webpage a professional look. With QuickWeb you can choose between two frame-templates (horizontal and vertical split). You can use forms to get information from your website users. With QuickWeb you can point-and-click to add form components (e.g. textboxes and radiobuttons) to you webpage....
Author: Frank Voorburg

Size: 3.6M
Description: AOLpress, when used with servers running AOLserver software, becomes the most powerful Web Development platform on the Internet. It allows authors to easily work with their pages directly on the Web -- no more cumbersome ftp'ing. Just click Open and you're working with the server's files. Just click Save to save your work, directly on the server! Create image maps, database interaction, set permissions, archive all your work, AutoLink, and more!
Author: America Online Inc.

HTML Builder
Size: 1.8M
OS: Win 95
Description: HTML Editor with: Spell checking. Drag and drop editing (like Microsoft Word). No need to cut and paste, just select the text and drag it to a new location.Custom file extension. Name file extensions in a format you want, .htm, .html, .shtml etc. Full support for forms. Custom color palette. Choose up to sixteen colors for a project. All options that use colors will then have your custom colors available. “File Tabs” on the middle of the editor window to allow you to quickly switch between documents. The ability to assign custom shortcuts to any menu item.
Author: FLFSoft Inc.

Size: 790K
OS: Win 95/NT
Description: WebWriter is a basic HTML editor.It has a clean, uncluttered interface and it features a documents wizard, a forms wizard, hotkeys, templates, and a help file that contains a complete HTML 3.0 reference guide.
Author: BigM Software

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