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Photoshop® Tips and Tricks

We're starting out small, but I'll be adding more tips as my time allows. If you have any questions on the tutorials below, please feel free to e-mail me.

Creating Clipping Paths

If you use Photoshop® in conjunction with PageMaker® or another page-layout program, you've probably noticed that any Photoshop image you place in your documents comes complete with a white box around it -- quite inconvenient if you want to place an image over a background color or over another image. Adding a clipping path to your Photoshop image will get rid of the white box.

Creating Great GIFs

Unless you know the tricks, chances are your Photoshop-created GIFs are not as small in file size as they could be. Learn how to reduce the colors in your GIF's palette and make it quicker to download.

Getting Rid of the Transparent GIF Halo

When you create a transparent GIF against a white background in Photoshop and then place the GIF against an HTML-defined background, you will notice a whitish halo surrounding the GIF. This is easily remedied by using the steps outlined in this tutorial.