karmacat... the personal pages of Jeanne Hubbard
 About Me My Resume Photoshop Tips PageMaker Tips Design Links
Hey there!

Welcome to karmacat, my personal web pages. Please excuse the pop-up ads and my penchant for kitties...

It's been a year since I've updated this page, and a lot has changed since then. Most notably and most recently, my residence - my husband David and I have returned to our home state of Michigan. As much as we loved Oregon (and believe me, we really loved it!), it was just too far from home. Early this year David's father had a heart attack, and my own father is approaching 80 years of age. We just couldn't bear to be so far from them at this point in their lives. So in June, almost two years to the day that we left Michigan, we packed up our most important possessions (and left behind many others) into a U-Haul trailer and made the long drive across this vast country of ours.

The decision was a tough one, especially from the standpoint of our employment. I held a leadership position at a prominent print shop in Oregon, and David worked as a tech for Symantec, the software company that makes Norton Anti-Virus and many other products. Michigan, particularly northern Michigan, is not known for its employment opportunities. So we have decided to take the biggest leap of them all and strike out on our own.

David is opening a business called Tech-Ease, specializing in in-home computer support. I will try to make a living doing freelance copywriting, web and print design. I've already gained my previous employer as a client, and am looking for more. If you're interested in my services, please take a look at my resume.

This probably bodes well for karmacat, since I should have more free time to add tips, tricks and tutorials. And boy, do I have some good info to share! After almost two years working for a printer, I learned more than you'll ever want to know on preparing files for press.

Well, thanks for visiting karmacat... come back soon!

While I have taken care to accomodate smaller monitors and screen sizes on most of this site, the tutorials are best viewed on an 800x600 or larger display.

Cat images and fonts for these pages were provided by Art Today