Guidelines for Participation

The authors and contributors to this web site intend it to be a tool for pastors and teachers serving the church of Jesus Christ. Toward achieving that end, the best use of the material presented here is as a "starting point" for your own exegesis and application of the lectionary texts. From that beginning we cordially invite you to contribute to the material that will be presented here by sending your comments and questions as you work through the texts yourself.

You may contribute to the dialog in these pages in two convenient ways: 1) Email your responses or inquiries to using the email facility of your browser or your favorite email program. 2) Use any one of the response "forms" provided on certain pages, (or the links to the main response form) provided at strategic points on the lectionary pages. Either method is fine for now, though things may change as these pages develop and the use of them increases.

It is NOT necessary to be a graduate or student of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in order to use these pages or participate in the discussion they foster. All who serve the church and are dedicated to disciplined study and interpretation of scripture are welcome. However, the few guidelines below will help to keep our focus clear and the discussion productive. Please follow these guidelines for participation in order that all who use these pages may benefit from them to the fullest extent.

The following are essential for using the Lectionary Page:

1) As use of these pages increases, the guidelines for participation will be amended as necessary to maintain orderly presentation of material. PLEASE CHECK THIS PAGE OF GUIDELINES REGULARLY TO KEEP UP WITH CHANGES.

2) This web site is designed to offer "seed" material as an invitation for input from other working pastors and/or church teachers. THE EXEGETICAL MATERIAL HERE SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE OR EXHAUSTIVE, BUT A "DIRECTION" THE AUTHORS HAVE ESTABLISHED AND INVITE YOU TO TRAVEL ALSO.

3) You are welcome, and invited, to diverge with your own observations, but we hope you'll understand that not all divergent approaches can be included in each exegesis.

4) THESE PAGES ARE NOT INTENDED AS A FORUM OF TECHNICAL DISCUSSION, or an exchange between professors. Rather, THE CENTRAL FOCUS IS A PRACTICAL DIALOGUE relevant to applied exegesis of the lectionary texts and CONDUCTED BETWEEN PREACHERS AND/OR EDUCATORS in service to the church.

5) THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THESE PAGES IS CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOG. PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO THAT DIALOG WITH YOUR OWN WORK. It is possible to simply "consume" the material presented, but maximum benefit and the best possible webpage will result when users contribute their observations and questions to the ongoing dialog.

6) CONTRIBUTORS WILL NOT BE IDENTIFIED with the possible exception of contributing editors who provide the "seed" exegesis. Our point is not to identify sources, but to include the broadest possible spectrum of substantive contributions for the benefit of all users. Note: NO CONTRIBUTION CAN BE CONSIDERED UNLESS A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS IS INCLUDED with the material sent. All contributors names and email addresses will be kept confidential.

7) ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH THE HISTORICAL HOMILETICAL METHODOLOGY. Please be sure to consult the Summary of the Methodology provided. Submissions outside of the discipline of that method may not be published on the exegetical pages.

8) PLEASE INCLUDE A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF YOUR CHURCH SETTING AND APPLIED PURPOSE WHEN MAKING A CONTRIBUTION. As methodological engagement with the text increases, the background and nature of service of a contributor becomes critically important to understanding an exchange of dialogue. By step V at the latest a statement of pastoral setting and purpose is indispensible for understanding your input or question.

9) PLEASE BE SURE TO MAKE REFERENCE TO THE SPECIFIC LECTIONARY TEXT AND METHODOLOGICAL STEP ON WHICH YOU ARE COMMENTING/QUESTIONING. Our readers can make reasoned guesses, but the only way to make sure your question or insight is connected to the correct biblical text is to identify it yourself. This counts EVERY TIME!

10) INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONS OR CONTRIBUTIONS MAY BE COMBINED FOR EFFICIENCY IN PUBLICATION. What will be prized most is the development of a clear line of questioning that evokes and informs a hermeneutical response.

11) WORK AHEAD! Especially if you wish to see answers to your questions or responses to insights you have submitted. Comments and questions arriving too late for publication in the current quarter may be reserved for use when the cycle returns - 3 years from now!

12) PLEASE POINT THIS PAGE OUT TO YOUR COLLEAGUES. We and you need their input, so spread the address of this web site as widely as possible, and let us know how you think we can improve our presentation and its usefulness.

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