Tevor was born to a senator on the planet Alderaan 23 years before it was destroyed. The senator was a quit and kind man who supported the empire. He was a patriot. He held a lot of sway in the senate before it was disbanded. He raised his children well and taught them to think problems through calmly, and work towards a peaceful solution. Like many people from Alderaan he was against using violence. He opposed the rebellion because he wished for a more peaceful solution to the galaxies problems. He was painfully aware of the atrocities the empire committed but he believed he could help the empire and the galaxy come to a peaceful resolution. He was trained in a very defensive form of martial arts, similar in many ways to Tai Chi Chuan. He was also proficient in the use of a sword. He trained his children in this art, as a means to defend themselves from violent aggressors, with out causing undo harm to anyone. He also taught them the benefits of meditation. Toward the end of his life, he started to feel that the empire would never become what he hoped he started negotiations with Bail Organa to join the rebellion. These plans never came to fruition because he died when his home world was destroyed by the first death star.

    He grew up with Miec on Alderaan,  They lived a short distance away from each other, and both went to the academy at the same time.  They have been best friends for many years, even when they had different duty stations they kept in touch.  When Alderaan was destroyed Tevor told Miec about it. They decided to strike back at the empire, and hurt them as much as possible. Tevor 'arranged' a transfer for Miec to his station, and changed their information in the duty records and erased all traces of their place of birth and inserted false records. Then they set in motion a plan to defect and cause as much damage to the empire as possible.  To facilitate this Tevor changed their duty rosters and made them a black ops team, and instituted a fictional commander they were to report to.  So far this has worked and as yet the empire is unaware of what is really going on....

Tevor joined the empire for a chance to see the galaxy, and learn new skills. He joined the ranks of the biker scouts, but never saw any action, as he completed his training, and served 2 months, in their ranks. He listened to the urgings of his father and transferred into communications and programing division. Tevor was always a natural at the computer. He was writing programs at the age of 5. Tevors father taught him the joys of problem solving at a young age and he soon learned who to slice into secure computer systems. Unlike many ‘slicers’ Tevor is a well rounded individual. His first love is a computer, his second is his sword. He was raised with the notion that a healthy body promotes a healthy mind. He frequently meditates before slicing into a secure computer in order to think clearly and calmly.

He is a very passionate individual. He usually throws himself into what ever is holding his attention at the moment. He practices his sword forms every morning for at least ½ hour. More if he has time. He has a natural aptitude with computers. He joined the scout troopers because of his love of adventure. He has strong moral qualms about killing any sentient individual. He had his father use his influence to help him get out of the scout troopers and into security. Tevor is usually very calm, and seldom becomes angry as he greatly fears any impairment of his judgment. But when he reaches his breaking point he explodes in quiet rage. This has happened only rarely and he fears this side of himself.

Tevor is a very calculating person. He like to view a problem from all sides , plan a course of action then act. He is not very easily offended and likes most people. He has not seen many of the atrocities of the empire, but on finding some out almost refuses to believe it. After they destroy his home world he changes. He hides the core of hs anger and hatred, so deep in his psyche that he almost forgets exists.  He starts to come up with a plan to get back at the empire and defect.

He likes  droids, and is fascinated by weapons, especially bladed weapons.  He loves tinkering with machinery and computers to make them work better. He has some degree of artistic talent, and along with his programing and security knowledge has learned how to produce many forged documents along with the proper computer back up to make it almost undetectable.

    Tevor is 5'11' about 165 lb., he has a average height and build.  His hair is Light brown, with gray eyes.  He smiles allot and tries to make friends out of enemies. He is slow to anger.  He moves like a fighter in a fluid motion, due to his years of training in the martial arts.  He is force sensitive, but doesn't realize it.  He has had weird feelings after the destruction of Alderaan.  He doesn't know if he even really believes in the force, but Miec's progress is slowly changing his mind.