


TaKKy..TsUbAsA..YaMaPi...ToMa...N mOrE...





pLaYeRs BeLiEvE iN tHeMsElvEs...PlAyErS mAkE iT hApPeN...pLaYeRs GiVe It ThEiR aLl...Be A pLaYeR...bAsKeTbAlL n SoCcEr ArE LIFE!

wIf LoTs Of LuV, hUgS & KiSSeS..sTaY CooL bE hApPy! 


A VERY VERY happy 19th bdae to Ninomiya (Arashi) on 17th June!

Happy 19th bdae to Kazama Shunsuke (Johnny's Jr.) on 17th June!

*~Cuming SooN~*

I'll be working on a section on Michael Owen!!

But won't be done so early...coz i quite bz....

I oso got many pics waiting to be scan..

 Last at 6th June 2002