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Some people just need help. I wanted to make this page as a type of warning, like the ones at the post office or police station. It should be a law that all degenerate bastards should have to warn everyone within a 10 mile radius of their moving into the area.
Here are a couple to watch out for!!!

LeoRules-Leo Daniels
What the fuck??? That's all I can think when I see this. Its not frightening enough that he is practically middle aged posing like a 12 year old in a Ninja Turtle directors chair, but the position really just says it all I believe. Something just seems odd about this picture.........
Wartoyz/Mark Leatherman
This is Leos bitch. He does what Leo says to do no matter what he thinks...umm...if he thinks, and will never be anything but a follower of some lame asshole like Leo. God and I wonder what the fuck they do to that nice unicorn in the background?  Poor thingy.

This is Leo at home with Mark. Oooooh  Sorry Mark. Even if you serve him breakfast every morning looks like hes still not going to marry you.
Oh poor Leo and Mark.. The two of you have sooo fucked yourselves up by leaving behind such a trail of people you have fucked over in the past. As it always catches up to you.. I am here to warn you. Its about to come back right now.
There's many many more that I will be adding as soon as I find them but as for now I must say this. Life will not be easy for these people who are selfish and self-centered, with no respect or consideration for others, with only their own little pityful/pityme lives.
You always strike before you think. You never fail to show yourself for what you really are no matter what nick or identity you choose. You cease making sense to even yourself but yet you keep talking. Then you wonder why people find you disgusting and want to show you just how disgusting feels.
These are the weaknesses of the people of Freedomchat. The same people that have the gigantic balls to use the word freedom in their server address, yet allow no freedom on their server unless you have come to lick their asses.
Well, well, well ! This ones for you motherfuckers!

[Tripod Counter]