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The Real Stories
Well it seems that Mark and Leo have a little more History then they have ever considered sharing with those on their server.

All I need to say about Leo is he's a closet fag...O that and the fact that Leo does NOT own that Hotel..  in reality... He makes less then most of us probably do. And poor Leo and Mark live with Leos granny. Pooooor woman!  Theres proof of this and he knows it. Ill elaborate later when I receive some more information Im waiting on.
But Mark... O Mark. All those stories you told about your wife leaving you... we both know the truth about that don't we?  All that talk about how she left without you knowing.. When we both know that you were probably sitting there in your boxers and too fuckin fat and lazy to get up and even try to stop her. I mean where were you if you weren't there? You damned sure didn't work asshole. There so much more I got to say and your going to like not a damned bit of it. So keep my name on your tongue.. Keep me banned off your shitty server.. It doesn't matter. I get there when I want. Next time you see me on your server you better listen to me before you decide to /kill me. I got more information then you want me spreading.
As far as your wife goes... She couldn't be in a better place .. you see.. because she's not with you.
All the shit you do to others Mark and Leo.. comes back to you... and here's a fair warning... Here it comes,, and you should be afraid....be very afraid.

I think before I begin showing Mark for what he really is I should say that he spent a lot of time on IRC talking about how his wife left him for no reason at all. Even Zub said and I quote " A good woman does not leave a man for no reason". I do have the logs to prove that one. Well as much as I hate to admit it Zub has been right at least once.
Mark knows what he did to finally make her decide once and for all to spare herself and her children anymore pain and grief from him. He is the same control freak online as he is in his daily life. This guy...who has the nerve to talk the shit he does about me or any other women that gets  tired of his shit, he lashes out like a hurt little child. Seems from what I hear lately,,,,thats exactly what he is.  I guess that makes Leo his daddy!   

Leo and Mark want people to think that they have known each other for years, when in truth they both know they met the first time on SegaNet. So there is one thing that is a total LIE!
   Leo is a closet fag who only tried to go out with women that are unattainable therefore he does not look like a fag. Just a reject.
I have these pictures of Mark from 1994 but for some reason they scan so FUCKIN LARGE I can not even get them to work

Keep Coming Back because you wont believe what you will find next!!

Let the man who is free from sin cast the first stone and begin the violence.
Let the man whose words ring true speak on up til his voice breaks through the silence.
Let the ones who lose their way live to see just one more day in the sunshine.
Let the ones who choose to stray recognize the price they'll pay in their lifetime.

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