
Personnel Actions


Personnel Actions


Other (Word/Excel)

Basically each of the following actions follow the same format.

This is general information about the action.

Approving Authority
This is the approving authority. I try to use the position and not the individual. Individuals change from unit to unit, but most units will have comprible positions.

Supporting Documents
This is a simple list of the typical list of the required documents for that action. Since not all actions are identical, this should be considered a general list and will apply in most sigutations. The exact supporting documents may very depending on your cercumstances.

These are any applicable regulations. Where possible these are links.

Work Flow
This is a discription of who does what, in what order.

This is ussually a link to a DA 4187 in fillable PDF format. If there are any special examples (forms, memos, or other documents).