


Personnel Actions


Other (Work/Excel

General System Requirements

Computer: I still use a PII 300MHz with 256MB Ram. So as long as you are running something around, or above this you should be good. One thing to consider, the faster the computer, the more RAM, the faster the databases run.

MS Access (not needed): All of these databases where designed in MS Access 2002. However, I convert them to MDE files. This means that you don't need MS Access 2002 to use them. They will work on any computer that can handle them.

Adobe Acrobat Reader (help files only): All of the help files are written in MS Word, but they are converted to PDF. This means that you need Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Each of the databases are wrapped in an installation program. This keeps the files sizes smaller, making them easier to download. Most of the time installation is simply a matter of downloading and running the file. If any special instructions are needed, they are included with the help manuals.


Most of my recent databases include a backup feature that saves all the information to a floppy disk in ExcelŽ. Using these backup disks allows you to upgrade to the most recent version with little effort and no data loss. As I have time I will go back and upgrade my previous databases to include this feature.