The former Miners Welfare Institute was superbly restored in 2008 |
Earlier, the Institute had deteriorated into a derelict pigeon loft |
In its heyday the Institute was a focal point of the community |
A tramcar at the top of Station Road. The last tram ran in 1937. |
Early scene at the Cross where Bank Street meets Main Street |
The Main St. cottages (right) are now the site of the Good News supermarket |
Locals take a Sunday stroll on the Station Road brae |
Bank Street before the days of cars, vans, buses and lorries |
Another 'horse and cart' pic of Bank St with the former St Andrews Church on the right. |
East Main Street and not a parked car to be seen! |
Main Street with the Richmond Place sign on the former Broadways pub on the left |
Bank St, Station Rd and Auchterderran Rd meet here. Below - the same scene today |
Another view of Bank Street, looking south this time |
Children playing on Main Street. Below - a more recent photo of the same scene |
Brighills village once stood at the foot of the Eliza Brae |
Brighills no more after the Minto Colliery closed in 1967 |
Looking up the Avenue to South Street. Below - the same scene today |
The Bank of Scotland premises with the managers house on the left. |
Same scene as above but house is now Lochgelly Business Centre |
Mr Cameron, manager of the Union Bank as it was originally called |
ABOVE AND BELOW - Auchterderran Road with tthe former barbers shop on the right |
The McAllister family,still well known in the town, seen outside the shop |
A recent photo of Auchterderran Road as it is now |
The school meals cooking centre formerly sited in Melgund Place |
The Nellie Pit at what is now Cartmore Industrial Estate |
Another view of the Nelly Pit, origiinally sunk in 1878 |
Jenny Gray Colliery viewed from the public park in Lochgelly |
A closer look at the Jenny Gray Colliery |