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On this page we will provide some tips that can improve the performance of your computer and give you ideas you can use with your system.


When you purchase a new printer, remember to add it to the list of printers for your computer. This will allow you to print on your new printer.

Smart Phones
Is your smart phone not working? - Try swapping with another smart phone and then try a normal phone to see if it is the phone or the wiring / system programming.

Computer Operations

Try not to open too many programs while working on your computer. The more things that are open, the slower your system will run.

Phone System
Has the system gone haywire? Turn off for a minute, then turn back on and see if problem returns. Check if system is over-heating or if there is water ingress.

Maintenance Issues

Keep your laptop out of extreme hot and cold temperatures, which could affect the performance of the PC.

EDS Telecom & Electrical Engineering
11 Hatekufa Street, Jerusalem 92328, ISRAEL
+972 (0)2 678 1627