Basic Law Act
Basic Law February 22, 2003
1. Only Male and Female marriages will be allowed and recognized by the Principality.
2. The death penalty is not a form of punishment to be used in the Principality.
3. It shall be unlawful for a person with Corumburg citizenship to hold a foreign citizenship with another micro nation. Person with Corumburg citizenship may hold citizenship in other real countries. (Persons may have Corumburg citizenship and still be a member of another micronation, only if the Soveriegn Prince gives his consent. You will need to em-mail a seperate request for that explaining your situtation.)
4. No Corumburger may hack into another micro nation’s Website. It is unlawful for a Corumburger to participate in acts of violence against another micro nation or it’s people. A Corumburger citizen may perform no form of cyber crime.