The Origins of Nursery Education: The Froebelian Experiment. The followers of the German educator Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) spread his kindergarten system across the globe. Even in countries like England where the term kindergarten was rejected in favour of 'nursery school', early childhood education bears the unmistakeable impress of Froebel's educational principles if not that of his symbolic and material apparatus. - with an excellent Froebel bibliography
Froebel College was founded in 1892 to train teachers in accordance with the ideas of Friedrich Froebel and now forms part of the Roehampton Institute and houses The Froebel Archive for Childhood Studies which is particularly rich in material by and about Friedrich Froebel and the growth of the Froebel movement,
photographic tribute to Froebel College by Andrew Wright
The philosophy of education of Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) stresses the respect with which the individuality and innate ability of each child should be treated; the importance of creating a happy, harmonious environment in which he or she can grow; and the value of self-activity and play as a foundation on which the integrated development of the whole person can be built.
David Carey (email, a lecturer of education at Froebel College and Adlerian psychologist is interested in the spirituality of education, connections between Froebel and Adlerian philosophy, and would love to hear from anyone who shares these and has an interest in education as soul building and salvific endeavour.
Froebel's International School Islamabad, established in 1975, the School started out as a Playgroup center. Froebel's soon became an Elementary School, and in 1984 prepared students for the University of London GCE Ordinary (O') Levels.
This article by Henry T. Stein, Ph.D.offers a provocative speculation about a potentially powerful and creative influence of the Froebel kindergarten methods, materials, and philosophy on Alfred Adler as a child, and his later founding of Individual Psychology.
Brosterman rescues Friedrich Froebel, the creator of the kindergarten and the father of early childhood education, from undeserved neglect and obscurity.
Architect Norman Brosterman says design toys used in German educator Friedrich Froebel's 19th century child educational system, still known as kindergarten, prefigure modern conceptions of geometric abstraction, and can be seen clearly in the later work of former kindergartners Georges Braques, Piet Mondrian, Paul Klee, Le Corbusier, and many other familiar and important artists and architects.
The "Froebel gifts" the children were given to play with included building blocks, parquetry tiles, origami papers, modeling clay, sewing kits and other design projects, and became wildly popular in the 19th century. Listen to Dennis Andersen's searching interview with Norman Brosterman and his compelling insights into the link between kindergarten and modern geometric abstract art and architecture
The advancement of kindergarten education was a major focus for the energies of female reformers in Germany during the 1848 revolution and the rest of the nineteenth century. Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852), an educator and philosopher who had studied with Swiss pedagogue Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, formulated the educational philosophy of the kindergarten
A Summary in English of the Dissertation (written in Swedish) by Jan-Erik Johansson, titled: Pre-school methods in pre-school teacher education: A study of a discipline and its tradition.
A page on Friedrich Froebel at a large Portuguese language education website from Rio de Janeiro.
This site is a joint effort of Sarah Kalsem (the kindergarten teacher) and Tom Rocklin (Professor of Education at The University of Iowa and parent of school age children). They hope parents, preservice educators, and fellow kindergarten teachers around world will use this site to learn more about what they do and to share ideas with them.
dedicated to providing valuable resources to teachers
This site is about history of education and childhood. It lists all kinds of Web resources in this field, simple and complex ones, from all over the world. It also provides related texts and sources.
Henderson, MI: Renee M. Newman (Internet Document). Available at
This interesting paper was prepared with the support of Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada Research Grant # 410-91-586 by Patricia Clifford and Sharon Friesen, Calgary, Alberta 1995
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