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Enlightenment Questions - Question From Anele

Dear Tathagata,

I am a seeker, what help is of you to me?


Answer from Tathagata

Dear Anele,

The world is being operated by the endless problems. Therefore, in order to know the world you should point to something clearly. Then I can see your question and can guide you. If you just say that I'm seeking without a certain condition I can not answer to you until I become to know you.


Further response from Anele

Dear Tathagata,

Allow me to introduce what little I know of me. Born in the Southern Tip of Africa in the 1980's. By Birth I am a South African, currently I stay in Johannesburg. Native South African.
As I am, I feel alone and distant from the everyday activities of life, I am void of the normal activities of humanity.
My search for something beyond the ordinary began when I came across the book named the Holy Bible, I read it page to page, I labored upon its ancient writing, words spoken and the meaning of such words obscured and hidden to the naked eye.
Then I looked for someone, anyone who could interpret this words, I was saddened to discover that thousands and thousands of years later mankind has not awaken to their slumber. It is not an understanding of the world that I am after, for those that belong and are of this world let them be concerned of this world. I am not of this world, that I am I know, I might be in this world. Experience this world, go through this world. Yet there is something deep within me that reminds me that I am not of this world.
This world is not enough for me, I much beyond and above all I see, this is not a belief, this is not a faith nor is it religion. Understand me at this point and if you do, then you will realize that you and I need not converse about matters of this world. I seek for a God I know not of, I seek for a knowledge reviled yet hidden, I for a light beyond the ordinary, I seek for me


Further response from Tathagata

Dear Anele,

There is no one who can confirm the truth of the words in Bible because no one can verify what was the ground of their writings when they wrote them. In addition I cannot help but saying that those words in Bible are not enough to accept as a teaching because the principle and problems are missing.
While I am answering to you I found a little problem in you but I would not like to tell you now. If we have a chance to contact I want to listen from you about your problem. When I understand the details of the cause and process of your problem I will let you know.
If you seek something new knowledge you should point out what you want to know. Otherwise there can be quite a distant between your question and my answer.
There is no hidden knowledge. Every teachings lie in front of you and in reality. Only when you open your eye you will be able to see all of them.


Further response from Anele

Dear Tathagata,

Believe it or not you are on track, in my search for that something out of the ordinary, that experience which I know not off at the moment.
I had to start somewhere and for me the bible (Christian Religion) was a starting point, for someone else their own respective religions or cultures would be their starting point, however I discovered that religion is a very long and ineffective way to get to our destination.
Which is if I may, some call it salvation, heaven, enlightenment whatever name is used and what is in a name anyway ? No one needs to be proving any written work of any religion, for it is pointless and leads us away and keeps us away.
You've have laid it out in your question to my question, what I have been seeking is that opening of the eye, how do I open my eye?
And I do no know which eye you speak of and I know that once I have done this I will be separate no more, I will be one, complete, whole and I will realize that I have been all this time. Below is a version from Jesus.
Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."
I do know this also, we humans are lazy and that's the primary reason why we have religions, rules and commandments, we are eager to say "Ah I don't have to think anymore, Jesus, Buddha etc has laid it out, it's all done" But once we discover that this is not the way then we in for it.
So how do I do it ? I guess you can see I am looking for the quickest, shortest and most effective way.


Answer from Tathagata

Dear Anele

First of all it is important for you to meet a guidance and to be guided by him.
Second, you should go the path because you have to arrive in your destination on your own. When you arrive there you will be able to see what you wanted to for yourself.
