last update 9th June 2000 - added Heather and Ken's story.
previous update 1st May 2000 - added FAQ's to the student's page.
previous update 21st April 2000 - added Chandra's story, and a link to European 11q network.
previous update 19th April 2000 - added some more links on the links and friends pages
previous update 19th April 2000 - added pictures from the 1999 UK conference... at last!

For Sam


As the proud mother of a child with Cri du Chat syndrome (and trisomy 11q - as I have just found out!!!!), I aim to provide up to date information about the syndrome through my experiences and those of others.Click on the rainbows to access other pages.

Meet my Son Sam  and find out what it is like to have a child with severe learning difficulties. Read inspirational writings which have helped me on my way.
Meet the rest of the family here. Meet Maria , a little girl who is doing extremely well and astounding everyone. She is nearly 4 and lives in England.Thanks Heather!
Meet Breanna from Atlanta Georgia. Thanks Cheri! Meet Mingge from Singapore. Thanks Goh Leng!
Meet Allan-Blake, he is 7 and lives in Texas. Thanks Deb! Meet some of the Australian Cri du Chat children,and find out about their support group. Thanks Margarette!
Lots of pictures of the children who attended the 1998 conference in Warrington, England. Find out what the professionals had to say at the 1998 conference.
This links to the world wide Cri Du Chat CHATROOM, come and talk to us Students this page is for you! (now with FAQ's)
Please read Jen's story if you are carrying an unborn child with a disability Meet Beth from Tennessee
Read what Sasa from Slovenia says about growing up with a sibling with Cri Du Chat Syndrome They are finally here - the pics from the 1999 UK conference
Read Chandra's story, She and Kevin both have translocations! At Last I have a full diagnosis for Sam here are links for trisomy 11q
Read Heather and Ken's story, They have two girls with different syndromes! At Last I have a full diagnosis for Sam here are links for trisomy 11q
Links to other Cri du Chat children's web pages. Links to other useful sites.


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