Working programs
Here are some working programs, useful and tutorial, which I created over the last five years. The newer programs are added to the end of this list!
- Numbers
(65K) (ver 3.00 C, R) - A MasterMind-style logical game, but much more difficult. I created it when I didn't know about MasterMind's existence at all. It's the first program I ever made! For a more detailed description of the game, and a screenshot see my game page.
- Seafight
(165K) (ver 1.20, C, R) - You have surely played this logical game at some point on paper. Place your ships stategically in the feild and shoot computer's ships before it shoots yours! Provides six levels of difficulty, where at the sixth you will use a radar. For a more detailed description of the game, and a screenshot see my game page.
- Graf'c (36K) - A program prototype, which can display up to 10 graphs. E.g.: to display tangent of x plus 5 , type: GRAF'C T(X+5) [T for tangent, S for sine, C for cosine, A for absolute, R for square root]
- Graf'xy (82K) (ver 1.00, C) - This is a full-working program, coded in QuickBASIC. I have plans of re-programming it in C++ (see above). This program is a beta version and has no documentation. Yet a very extensive internal help provided (press F1). The program is super-otimized for speed!
- Htmcnv (41K) (ver 1.00, S) - A program that converts HTML-encoded documents to plain text. Can be used as viewer.
- Keytest (28K) (ver 1.20, C, S included, G) - A program that gives extensive information - such as ScanCodes and ASCII values - about the keys you press on your keyboard and the status of the locks (Num Lock, Caps Lock, etc) using BIOS calls and port 60H. Programmer's assistant.
- Fontview (24K) (ver 1.20, C, S included, V, G) - A program that allows you to view font samples, font descriptions (which are embedded in font-files are usually not shown by other programs), install and uninstall fonts. The last two features work only on Windows 3.x. The source demonstrates use of font-manipulating API-calls.
- Rgbcnv (19K) (ver 1.00, C, S included, V, G) - This program converts RGB indexed colours to percent indexed colours (e.g.: 180RGB = 71%) and vv. It also gives your the possibility of printing out 20 colour samples. Designed for use with Aldus Pagemaker. The program requires CMDIALOG.VBX (10K). The source demonstrates use of common dialogues and drag-n-drop.
- RoadRunner (27K) (ver 1.00, C, S included, V, G) - It is a small demonstrational hack-utility for Windows 3.x and upwards. It can run programs in several ways, change attributes, edit and create files, and terminate Windows in several fashions. The program itself can be run from an included Windows help-file! Great for the cases when program running is restricted. The source demonstrates Windows API use (WinExec, ExitWindows, ExitWindowsExec)
- MA (23K) (ver 1.00, S) - This is an expression interpreter program. For example to calculate 2*2 you enter MA 2*2. The program can handle up to 150 parenthesis levels and trigonometric functions. The algorithm was developed by Steinar Foss. Also check out a JavaScript variant of this algorithm!

- DriveSpeed (83K) (ver 3.10, GPL, C, S included, V for the Control Center, G) - DRSP tests the write and read speed of any drive by performing a series of DOS I/O operations. It allows you to adjust test parameters and log the results. The ability to test read-only drives (e.g. CD-ROMs) and an improved accuracy are added from ver. 3.00, and from ver. 3.10 the Windows-(ab)users can enjoy a very friendly user-unterface, DriveSpeed Control Center. The source has three interesting features: it finds the path, where the executable is located, using an undocumented DOS feature; it is partly assembled to improve execution speed; and it finds which drives are available, their volume lable and size. The program makes use of one User library function.
- GobX (31K) (ver 2.00, S) - This is a small utility to extract files from Dark Forces mission container files, the so-called GOB-files. The utility can also be used to list the content of a GOB-file. The program can make partial extractions, using file masking. I am aware of the fact that there are many better GOB-managing utilities available. I put this program together by studying GOB-format long before I had Internet connection. I used this program to primarily extract sound files.
- Timetable Planner (28K) (ver 1.00, C, S included, G) - A program, which is intended to help students to find an optimal timetable, based on a set of filtering criteria, if the courses which the student plans to follow, have several alternative studying activities. The source is written in C++ and is highly portable. It was succesfully compiled on DOS, Linux and SunOS.
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