Union Army Uniforms and Insignia of the American Civil War 1861-1865

Compiled by Dr. Howard G. Lanham

New Material Since April 2006

box Pistol Cartridge Box

stable frock Stable Frock Coat

strap Captain's Shoulder Strap

lt Cavalry Second Lieutenant with Mourning Armband

doc Musician's Clothing Issue 1862

jacket Infantry Colonel's Jacket (Nonregulation)

jacket Infantry Corporal's Chevron

Thomson Assistant Surgeon George Thomson's Uniform

Thomson Staff First Lieutenant's Shoulder Strap

staff strap Staff Major's Shoulder Strap

Henry Halleck Button Pattern on Frock Coats Indicating Rank

French Plate U.S. Plate for Imported French Chasseurs Shako

U.S. Wreath U.S. Wreath for Kepi of Generals and Staff Officers

17th Corps Badge 17th Corps Badge

Fire Zouave Uniform Fire Zouave Uniform

16th NY Cav. 16th New York Cavalry Uniforms

cross sabers Cavalry Officer's Embroidered Hat Insignia

saddle cloth eagle General's Saddle Cloth Ornament

Banks General Banks Holding Chapeau

hilt Model-1832 Foot Artillery Sword

sword The firm of Schuyler, Hartley and Graham

adjutant strap Regimental Adjutant and 1st Lieutenant's Shoulder Strap

Wilson's Cavalry Badge Badge of the Wilson's Cavalry Corps

A New Commentary

The Use of Cavalry and Artillery (Commentary)
The History of the U.S. Cavalry

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