Alexander Willis & Elizabeth Rough Willis

Husbands Full Name Alexander Willis
His Data Date City,County,Place County,Province State,Country
Birth Oct 18,1816 Rowan Co. North Carolina
Marriage Dec 4,1840 Davidson Co. North Carolina
Death Apr 24,1882 Warrick Co Indiana
Burial Wesley Chapel Warrick Co Indiana
His Father James Willis His Mother Martha "Patsey" Coats

Wifes Full Name Elizabeth Rough
Her Data Date City,Town,Place County,Province State,Country
Birth Aug 11,1822
Death June 6,1885 Warrick Co Indiana
Burial Wesley Chapel Warrick Co Indiana
Her Father Unknown Her Mother Unknown

Their Children
Jessee Willis 1842-1886 Wesley Chapel
Mary C Willis (no info yet)
William P Willis 1847-1871 Wesley Chapel
Sarah F Willis (no info yet)
Laura A Willis 1852-1877 Wesley Chapel
John A Willis 1854-1880 Wesley Chapel
Martha J Willis married Elijah Clark
George W Willis 1861-1903 Wesley Chapel

See Obituarys below

Death of Alexander Willis

Source: Boonville Standard; April 24-1882
On last Tuesday Mr Alexander Willis died at his home a few miles north of Boonville, after a short illness. Mr Willis was one of the leading citizens of this county, and by his sterling qualities as a man had become identified with the county and its interests. In 1880 Mr Willis was elected by the Democratic party to the responsible office of county commissioner, the term of which death has ended. The funeral took place Wednesday morning, being conducted by the Masonic order, of which fraternity he was a leading member. The deceased leaves a large number of friends and relatives to mourn his death.

Boonville Standard Dec 5-1886
Mr Jessee Willis died at his late residence near Greenbower,in this township,last sunday of paralysis. Mr Willis was the son of Alexander Willis, and about 45 years old. About a year ago he sustained a paralytic stroke, but partially recovered, but the second attack of the disease proved fatal. He was buried Tuesday by the Admenium Alten lodge of Masons of Millersburg of which he was a member.

Fatal Affray

Source: Boonville Enquirer; Nov 25-1871

William Willis Killed by George Williamson
An affray took place near boonville, on Monday noon, which resulted in the death of William Willis, at the hands of George Williamson. It seems that on last friday, a difficulty occured between the two parties at the house of Williamson, in which the later got worsted, but was so enraged that he went into his house and seized a shot gun and fired upon Willis, three of the shots entering his body.

On the night of the first difficulty William Willis Sued out a warrant against Williamson which was placed in the hands of Jesse Willis, a brother of William. The writ remained inthe hands of Willis until Monday mourning, when the Willis` were engaged in hauling corn to the cribs in Thos. Williamson`s barn yard, they having raised a crop on the latters land on the shares. The Willis` were each driving a team and afer having unloaded the wagon of William Wills he drove off to the feild.

While Jesse was unloading his wagon, George Williamson appeared in the barn yard, whereupon Jesse called to him and he came up to the wagon. Willis told him that he had a writ for him and asked if he was ready to got to town, at the same time producing the document. Williamson replied that he would go, but he would not be taken. At this time William Willis had returned and appeared at the scene when Jesse called upon him to help take Williamson, where upon William commanded him to throw up his hands and surrender and save his life.

Williamson however, did not heed, but was making an effort to get out his revolver, when both parties met, and the fighting commenced. After exchanging several shots, and beating each other over the head with the pistols, Willis fell to the ground, and Williamson retreated leaving his revolver. The above is substantially the evedence of Jesse Willis the witness for the prosecution, who further stated that he did not see who did the shooting being much excited and his team running off with him after the first fire (one of the horses being shot in the leg) throwing him out of the wagon after having proceeded a short distance.

Willis was shot in the left side, the ball entering below the nipple and passed out on the other side penetrating the arm, from whence it was taken by the surgeon. He lived about an hour after being shot; was a single man, about 25 years of age.

George Williamson has several severe cuts on the head, but none of a serious nature. He immediatley came to town and reported himself before the authorities, and was placed under bond of $20,000 for his appearance on Thursday the day set for trial. Thomas Williamson the father of George, who was present when the affray took place, was also placed under bond, as an accessory to the crime.

All day Thursday was taken up in examining the witness, for the prosecution, and up to going to press on Friday the trial had not terminated.

Our readers will bear in mind that the above statement is the version of the principal witness against Williamson, and that the case may assume a different aspect before the close, and it is asserted by the defence that it will be shown that the killing was done in self defense. We do not wish to do injustice to the accused, but under the circumstances the above is the best we can do, it being the evidence so far as elicited. The parties in this unfortunate affray are the sons of two of the most respectable citizens and wealthy farmers of Warrick County, namely Thomas Williamson and Sandy Willis,*(see note) being neighbors.

After going to press we learn that both father and son were remanded to the Circuit Court in five and ten thousand dollars bail, respectively.

* Sandy was a misprint. Checking Court records it should have been Alexander Willis.

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