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In The Thoughts of A Killer

Copyright © Derek Faircloth

     The new reform started, terrorist attacks keep coming one after the other. There was one leader; his name was Joshua Manlegro. He started the resistance and we had to stop him. We had to move on and be able to make our world democracy stronger. We had no choice but to assassinate him, I had to do it with or without the support of my agents. I put on my uniform and got the latest reports on his whereabouts. As I climb into my chopper I started thinking about what was I to do if I was caught, I am the world leader and if I was captured the fall of the democracy would be certain.

     Flying to his compound I started readying my gear. Soon I was there and I landed my chopper a mile away. I climb out and started running to my pre selected sniping area. Climbing up on the hill I started unpacking my rifle and scope. Lying on the ice-cold ground I started assembling my rifle. There he was just as I was ready Joshua walked out; wasting no time I flipped up the cover on my scope and adjusted my settings. As he walked out the door I realized he was going to the pool. Looking through my scope I saw that there was a lady waiting in the pool for him. Putting my feelings aside I put the cross hairs on his head.

     Following his every move I placed my finger on the trigger, taking deep slow breaths I started to reduce involuntary movement. Taking my last deep breath I pulled the trigger, “CRACK” I heard the rifle scream to life. As the blood rushed out of his head I knew they would soon be coming after me. Picking up my rifle as fast as I possibly could I took off running. Soon I would be at my chopper and return to base, yet it was not that simple. I soon saw I was surrounded as gunfire came at me from all sides. Taking cover behind a dead tree I reached for my M-4 Carbine and selected the full auto.

     Raising my head very slightly over the stump I could see them setting up around me. Taking off my gear I laid it next to me, because I knew that I would need to be as light as possible if I had any chance of getting away. Frantically I went through my gear and found my grenade launcher, smiling as I loaded it up I knew it was a bad day to be the bad guys. Rolling over on my stomach I laid my launcher on the edge of the stump and keep it low so they could not see it. Yelling out I said, “I SURRENDER!” and the enemy stood up and started for me. Keeping my hands in the air I started counting them and seeing just where they where.

     With a sudden rush of adrenaline I fired the grenade and covered my head as the blast sounded off. I heard the screams of the men and I knew at that moment that I had wasted them. Standing up I looked around me as the dead bodies where all around. Dusting myself off I walked started to walk away when I heard something move behind me. Turning around fast I saw a man reach for his gun, holding down the trigger I shot the guy several times. Then I heard yells, and that wasn’t good to my ears because now the enemy knew where I was and more would come.

     Wasting no more time I took off running for the chopper. As I jumped in the chopper I started up the engines as fast as I possibly could. Placing on the harnesses I gave her full power and lifted away, looking left and right to see sparks from bullets coming off all sides of my chopper. Turning the chopper hard I threw the belly of the chopper in their direction and hoping to keep the dust thick enough in the air to give me time to get out of there, and it worked, I pulled the chopper out of the way and headed for the base. Once I was on the ground I turned to look at my chopper and saw three bullet holes that had went through the window of my chopper and just did miss my head.

     Agent Austin walked up to me and asked me the run down of what went on. Handing him what was left of my gear I said, “I assassinated him myself” and turned to my barracks. I walked up to the door and felt a sharp pain and turned to see I was trailing blood, maybe I am just crazy but at that moment I laughed and knew that there was no point in worrying about something so small when I saved so many.

