
You may agree with me - you may not. But I can not stand"Hollywood" Hogan. Don't get me wrong - it's not because he's a "bad guy"....I have never liked the man, and to be honest - I don't think I ever will. He claims to be the man who made wrestling - to some extent that may be true - Hogan was able to keep the hype going....but it was Vince Macmahon who made Hogan, so I see Hogan's claims that he was the only man to bring wrestling to the mainstream as false!

Hogan should have retired years ago. His huge ego has thwarted the efforts of young talented wrestlers to make their own mark on the industry today. Being the star he is, he has a lot of power - but he uses it all to further himself - not the sport. If Hogan was intersted in making this industry truly successful he would let mid-carders like Kidman, Gurrero, Jericho, Adams, Booker T etc make a real shot for the top.....But Hogan see these guys as nothing more than a threat. You see, if these men become more successful, then they would cut into Hogan's share of air time and Merchandising.

That's why I am an AntiHoganite - I want to see wrestlers in this industry make an effort to help promote more than just themselves - not hog all the limelight for themselves. When Hogan does finally retire, I think it would give him great satisfaction to see the company he is with right now fall in a heap, so he can say "See? You are nothing without me". That is NOT the way anyone should work. If Hogan really cared about the proffession that has made him what he is today, he should be setting up others to follow in his footsteps, so that this industry to carry on for many more years to come.


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